5 Tips For Achieving Goals and Living Your Dream
It’s #MakeitHappen Monday once again….and for our American friends it’s the start of Thanksgiving week. So while all of you are pondering about how to make this one the best weeks ever, or reflecting on what things you’re most thankful for….why don’t we remind ourselves about the Secrets of a Life Well Lived?
The purpose of life (well, in my opinion anyway) is to achieve goals and live your dreams. Seems pretty simple, but sometimes actually doing it is another story, right? Well, let’s break it down. How do you do it? I’m not claiming to be an expert, but I’m proud to say that I’ve racked up a pile of goals in my lifetime and spent a whole lot of time in my personal dreamland.
5 Tips For Achieving Goals and Living Your Dream:
1. Take action over time – Yep, the easiest way to get there is to continuously be moving in the direction of your goals. If you’re living a life adjacent to what your top goals are, then you’re moving in the totally wrong direction.
2. Move forward – Just like in tip number 1, you must move in a positive direction towards your goals. If you get off course or take a step backwards….just turn it around and get back on track. Just one move forward brings everything back in line.
3. Follow your core values – This is a huge one. You’ll never be able to achieve the right goals or live the right dream if you don’t know what your core values are. Core Values are those personality traits, important things, and must have’s that are unique to you. Write those down and make sure your goals and dreams align with the list.
4. Believe in anything and everything – Another big one. If you don’t absolutely believe what you want is possible, then reaching it will be impossible. It doesn’t matter if you’re going after something that has never been done before. If you believe, you can achieve. I’ll say it again….Believe in anything and everything.
5. Do it Now – This short phrase has become sort of my own personal slogan. I seem to use it over and over again, and when giving advice it’s always one of the things I include. Never push off your goals and dreams to some unknown date in the future. Don’t wait until after this or that happens. Effing Do it Now. Yeah, I’m screaming those words to you. It’s that important.

This is worthy of a FRAME. Well done Darryl, well done.