Shit Cycling Climbers Say
It’s been about a year and a half since the “Shit Cyclists Say” video went viral and spurned a bunch of similar type posts. My buddy, Ryan van Duzer was the star of the original video (which has had well over a million views) and it’s still the best of the bunch. It’s been long enough now for this idea to be somewhat cool again, so we’re creating a list of all the things road cycling climbers have to say. To make it more appealing, we’ve enlisted the support of Bike2Power and Knights of MoBay, and they’ll be giving away some great prizes to those who comes up with the best response. So tell us what kind of “Shit Road Climbers Say” by leaving it in the comments section below. Here’s a few that I came up with to start you off:
- I only do climbs rated as Hors Catégorie.
- Shut Up Jens.
- That’s a hill, not a climb.
- I call anything under 15%, downhill.
- I’ve done Col du Tourmalet 4 times….in one day.
Maybe we can get Duzer to record this for us once we get the list together.
Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 suggestions. Yes, you can submit more than one. Thanks to Bike2Power and Knights of MoBay for supplying some great prizes.
1st Prize
- Bike-Mounted Battery Pack from Bike2Power
- iPhone 5/5S Rechargeable Waterproof Bicycle Mount from Bike2Power
- $25 Gift Certificate from Bike2Power
2nd Prize
- Caribbean or Reggae Music Cycling Jersey from Knights of MoBay
- MountCase for iPhone 5/5S from Bike2Power
3rd Prize
- $25 Gift Certificate from Bike2Power
This contest is now closed. Thanks to all who entered.
Our judges went through all the entries and here is what they came up with:
- 1st Place: mad24960
- 2nd Place: Anthony Barr
- 3rd Place: Scott D Gilbert
We’d like our winners to please send in contact information to [email protected] and we’ll get your prizes out to you.

*Flicks elbow wildly* “COME ON DUDE! TAKE A TURN, WILL YA!”
“Dude you got “Chicked” by that Butterfly!”
I have no idea what this means, but I love it.
Our judges really didn’t know what you were talking about, Scott….but they selected you as the 3rd place entry anyway. Please send your contact information to [email protected].
“Oh…! You’re doing this one in the granny ring!?”
If I can just make it to that treeline I’ll be halfway to the halfway point, which means I’m almost to the… dammit, it just keeps going!
Grab my wheel!!!! Grab it!!!
It’s a false flat
“Thats not a mountain. I’ve ridden over speed bumps bigger than that!”
I am training with a heavier bike today, you know, building up for the season . . .
Congratulations, our judges selected you as the winning entry. Good job. Please send your contact information to [email protected].
Mountain? What mountain?
I would have gotten up there faster if I didn’t slip my chain.
What’s your strength to weight ratio?
“No chariot? You’re not even trying.” (okay maybe I’m the only one saying this)
I don’t sit down for just anyone you know.
“Sweet rolls? No thanks, baby carrots and black coffee are sooooo filling”
Rode the phat bike to the top yesterday with a PR. When I got home I found the rear brake was dragging.
my calf is i’m not blasting out of the saddle right now…
Congratulations, Anthony….our judges selected you as the second place entry. Please send your contact information to [email protected].
“Rest? No, I stopped to take a photo of the view.”
“I rode Alpe d’Huez completely in the big ring, twice!”
Things are looking up!
“Strava, or it didn’t happen!”