Spinlister: Renting a Road Bike on Vacation
Going on vacation is great….but for me, I still feel the need to get some road bike miles in while I’m away. Bringing your bike with you is great for so many reasons, but it can also be a huge cost and major pain. Yeah, pretty much every airline I know charges at least $125 each way.
So my suggestion is to rent a road bike. Depending on where you’re going, this can be so very easy. Most big city bike shops rent out a variety of road bikes. The cost will likely be anywhere from US$30 to $50 per day depending on how many days and where you’re renting from.
But here’s another option for you. If you’re going to a city that offers the Spinlister service, you can rent a great road bike at a nice price.
Spinlister is basically like AirBnB in that people privately list their bikes to rent, and you contact them directly to set up the rental. You can find all types of bikes on the site, but there is a large amount of road bike available.
Here’s a list of the cities they are currently working with:
- San Francisco
- New York
- Portland
- Los Angeles
- London
- Amsterdam
- Boston
- Santa Monica
- Denver
- Chicago
- Seattle
- Austin
- Miami
- Brooklyn
Think of this as my friendly little tip for this beautiful Friday. Next time you’re going away for a few days, or longer….be sure to rent a road bike and get in some miles while you’re away.

Thanks for the reminder. I could have used this when I was in Boston a few weeks ago.
Is that the service you used? If so, what did you think?
We’re going on vacation to Rehoboth Beach,DE next summer so it looks like I’ll be making use of my car rack, but it’s good to know about.
I went with one of the bike shops for my rental….but I think Spinlister is a great way to go. Let me know if you use it and how it goes. If you ever make it to Grenada….I’ll definitely have a bike for you.