State Bicycle Co. T-shirt Review
Are you a cycling t-shirt fanatic like I am? Come on, how many cycling t’s do you currently have in your closet? I’ve totally lost count, but would guess that I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 45. Yeah, and I love every freaking one of them.
But, I never seem to have a enough…..and just recently added a couple more to my collection. State Bicycle Co. specialize in complete Fixed Gear Bicycles and Accessories, but they also sell other bike stuff….including t-shirts.
I wouldn’t say that they have the widest range of funky cycling shirts, but they have a solid line up that proudly pays tribute to the bicycle culture and lifestyle. You can view them all here on their t-shirt page.
We received a couple different styles, but here’s a shot of the one I like the best. Of course, I’m always looking for an opportunity to promote the car-free/car-light lifestyle…..and this one helps get the message across.
As you know, I live my life in shorts, sandals, and t-shirts…….and wearing the cycling variety is what I like best.

Nice, thanks for the post.