Staying Loose Boosts Every Workout
Ever been cycling and your legs get that tense feeling? It feels like your leg weighs three times what it should and everything just seizes up. Your tendons, nerves, muscles and even joints, just lock up and freeze. You have a cramp and your muscles are spasming. It can be a strange feeling for most people but if you workout regularly or if you’re on your bicycle a lot of the time, you’ll know this feeling for sure. What can be done about it? You can’t just say ‘oh woe is me’, you have to consider what is causing this to happen and how you could prevent it. Yes, it’s partly to do with fatigue but it’s also a lot to do with the lack of planning. Your body needs to stay loose for as long as possible, but that occurs even before your workout.
Personal Fitness : Exercises to Help Calf Strain
Published at 2011, May 25
Calf strains requires basic first aid with compression and elevation, but once you've begun to recov
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Published at 2011, May 25
Calf strains requires basic first aid with compression and elevation, but once you've begun to recover, these gentle exercises can help put you back on your feet again. Learn the safe way to get over a calf strain in this free video on personal fitness.
Expert: Emily Wenzel
Bio: Personal trainer Emily Wenzel owns Body and Mind Enrichment in Pinellas, Florida, and hosts Pilates classes and workshops at The Pilates Loft in Clearwater, Florida.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
Series Description: Now you can learn how to build stronger abs, increase your sit-up capability, recover from injuries, work with free weights and much more, all in the privacy of your own home. An experienced personal trainer shares her wisdom and puts you to work in this free video series.
Aahh, leg cramp!
For all cyclists, cramp is the number one enemy. Just when you’re almost at the top of a hill, your muscles just stop working. And the pain from the spasms can last for a few seconds or it can carry on for a few minutes. The muscle has had it, it’s just been ridden until the back blows out. But you can do a few things to ease the pain. Firstly, you need to use a stretch band to help straighten out your leg. Get on the floor so you have a stable surface, then place it around your foot and pull back while keeping your leg straight. This should flex your feet and your tendons while giving your muscles a stretch too. When you do this, you’re giving the toxins and waste acid in your muscles a smooth straight road to exit the area so that new fresh oxygenated blood can arrive.
Just chillout
The more and more we find out about certain smokable substances, the more we realize how beneficial they are to our sporting lifestyles. Check out the purple space cookies that has one of the highest ratings for relaxing the mind and body. This is something that many people use to help their body with chronic pains and other issues like anxiety. However, used for sport, your muscles will stay much more relaxed for longer, you’ll be able to remain flexible no matter how hard the workout becomes. If you’re riding uphill on a lower gear, you’re less likely to get cramp thanks to this substance. It also makes the user happier which is going to help you enjoy your mountain biking a lot more.
9 Reasons You Should Take Magnesium & Magnesium-Rich Foods
Published at 2017, August 02
Learn more about magnesium-rich foods on my website here:
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Published at 2017, August 02
Learn more about magnesium-rich foods on my website here:
Did you know that it’s thought that approximately 80 percent of Americans have a magnesium deficiency — and the majority of them don’t even know it? The scariest part is that magnesium is essential for cellular health and necessary for over 300 biochemical functions in the body.
In this episode of Ancient Medicine Today, I share the health benefits of magnesium for the body as well as the best food sources of magnesium. Watch to learn more.
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*This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Josh Axe, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Axe nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
A bright supplement
We all know that magnesium burns brightly, but in a supplement form, it’s one of the best tools against cramps. Usually, it’s taken by pregnant women that are getting cramps but it’s also something riders can use to give them an extra edge. It will prevent your nerves from locking up quicker.
Staying loose for as long as possible is really going to help you push harder and go further. Leg cramps are the number one issue that stops cyclists from enjoying long rides so carry a stretch band with you at all times.

Nice article! Great to see you at it again my friend.