Tell Us Your Loving the Bike Story
Are you Loving the Bike? We want to hear all about it.
Ever since we started this cycling lifestyle website (which turns 3 in just a few days), we’ve had a monthly feature called “Look Who’s Loving the Bike“. It’s been our reader’s chance to tell us a little story about why they love riding bikes, and there’s been some fantastic responses so far.
Please share your memories, and tell us a fantastic story from your childhood or a little bit about why you are now Loving the Bike. We’ll randomly post the replies over the coming months.
Send us your Loving the Bike story by filling out this form.
Have a look at what our past “Lovers” have to say: Look Who’s Loving the Bike Directory

After getting my bike from a bicycle shop in Salt Lake City I have had an amazing time riding it and getting into trouble.