The Benifit of eBikes for Commuters in Hilly Terrain
I’ve written many times about the hills here in Grenada, and I’ve seen some of the climbs you all have in your area as well. For any of us who cycle regularly, the majority of them are manageable….even if they do kick our butts. But what about people who want to commute by bike, but don’t do it because of the hill intimidation? I feel that electric bikes are the answer.
I feel like I’m a strong cyclist and quite good on climbs, but with that said, I still do dread going up a few of them around here. I often imagine what things would be like if I lived at the top of one of those hills and had to battle my way home every time I rode. I know there would be several days where I might think twice about the ride. I imagine further how a new cyclist would feel about it.
I bet there are a whole bunch of people out there that feel this way, and it’s because of the hill intimidation. If it wasn’t for those one or two hills along the way, they would totally start riding their bike instead of drive.
Get them an ebike. Yeah, I know some cyclists might not “get” electric bikes but I’m convinced that they will help create more cyclists and less cars….and that is always a good thing. An ebike like that from Scooteretti lets the cyclist pedal their way until the hill, and then get assistance on the way up. Plus they look like a regular commuter bike with benefits such as disk brakes, light weight, and removable battery. The perfect hill intimidation solution if you ask me.
I’m really excited about the progress made with today’s ebikes. I’m certain that if people were educated on all the benefits they provide to people dreading a bike commute, there would be a lot more cyclists on the road.