The Best Place to Think
You’d think my answer to this question would be “on the bicycle”, right? That used to be part of the answer, but under my current environment and conditions….it is not.
We all need time to totally clear our head so that we can remember the important things that we’ve forgotten about, and focus on what we want in the days ahead. It’s necessary, it’s natural…it’s something most of us don’t do.
But to do it effectively, you need to know where the best place is for you to think clear your mind. My place is lying in bed cuddled up to one of my boys as they are falling asleep. It’s the most beautiful and peaceful place in my world, and it allows my mind to open up and be free.
The bike is a wonderful place to unlock your mind and let free thought flow. I’m not complaining about it, but due to my riding conditions and the type of cycling I do in Grenada, I need my head in the game at all times. I’m not able to enter the state of cycling meditation. I used to get there quite regularly in the past, but it’s a different story now.
I’m okay with it. Well, I wasn’t for a while….but I am now. I just needed to find another place.
Where do you go to escape and let your mind be free?
Photo c/o Liquid in Plastic

I totally understand your issue with disconnecting while riding in the islands you simply cannot. I do my best thinking on the bike but it is because of the roads I live on now. When I lived in the islands my best thinking came while swimming, its similar to riding but in most cases a lot less to see, and you don’t have to worry about cars!
I am asleep 5 minutes after my head hits the pillow so that is not a good choice for me.
Yeah, you are one person who definitely knows what Island Road Cycling is all about. I can see how swimming would be a good place to think. I agree that I can’t think when I go to bed, but when I’m laying with my boys it is my time to relax my brain and let things flow.
Well if its not the bike A dog walk dose it for me it’s just you & mans best friend . Hang in there Darryl all things must pass.
Walking is totally a great way to clear your mind. I remember reading a book a long time ago that spoke about mindful walking…..good stuff.
When I escape to my bird carving room my mind is only on that project that I am doing. Very relaxing most of the time.
I’m glad you have a place to think and clear your mind, Dad. Not only do you get to think, but you also get to create some amazing bird carvings.
I use meditation and the bike to clear (and relax) my mind. Most of my outdoor riding is city/urban so it doesn’t really lend itself to a “zen Iike” state. I do my best thinking during the times with no “electronic input”
Hey Bob, good job on keeping up with your zen time. It’s very important and I don’t think most people do it on a regular basis. Thanks for your input.