The Bike is Always Greener…..
…..on the other side of the road.
Yes, this is a play on one of the most famous proverbs in the World….please don’t judge me for the cheesy beginning to this post.
Although we all might not fall victim to it, many of us have the tendency to look enviously at the lives of those around us. Whether it’s a lack of personal satisfaction or an urge to want more, things can often look a whole lot better on the other side of the fence.
I’m not sure about you, but as a cyclist I always seem to be drooling over some of the other bikes I see out there on the road. Sometimes it’s a hot new bike, or it could be their sweet wheel set that gets me thinking how nice it would be riding on that myself. Another rider’s speed, technique, bike, kit….all things that can set off the envy fireworks inside of us.
So what do we do….on and off the bike? Well, like in most situations the words “Gratitude and Attitude” can keep that green vision at bay. Focus on all the good things you have in your own life, and be thankful for all the goodness that flows. Don’t take any day, moment, person, experience, or ride for granted. Also remember that “Sometimes the dream and the desire for something are much more appealing than actually getting the thing that you think you want.”
Like we say over here at Loving the Bike….Enjoy Your Ride.
Photo c/o Etna Brewing

Don’t take any day, moment, person, experience, or ride for granted!
Those, my friend, are words to live by.
Great advice, Darryl. I’m always thinking about which bike I want next, what new kit I want to buy, etc… I’ve had a spending problem in the past, but with a lot of self-discipline and sacrifice I’ve gotten a lot better at recognizing the difference between “need” and “want”. There is a lot of stuff I want, but very little that I actually need. It’s a constant battle for me – I love to window-shop on the Internet and in brick-and-mortar locations, but I try to take a step back, think of my finances, and determine if I should buy whatever it is I’m after.
I still fall victim to sales and deals and shiny things, but I’m getting better with every purchase I don’t make. And I am truly thankful for the bikes and gear that I do have.
Thanks for your input on this, Paul. It is really tough in North America to not get caught up with the latest and greatest. It’s constantly out there and it makes it tough to resist. That is something I totally realized while being there this month.