The Einstein Vibe
I’ve always found it quite interesting that good old Albert Einstein rode a bike…..and tossed out a few great cycling quotes along the way. He was a brilliant man and I’m so very proud to have him as a fellow cyclist.
I’ve found myself leaning on him for support lately in the way of following his techniques to help get some big time ideas formulated in my head. One of Einstein’s most famous quotes revolves around him stating that he came up with the theory of relativity while riding his bike…..and I am currently wishing for the same sort of great thoughts to come to me.
I’m not sure if you’d call it a funk, but I’ve been in some sort of distant groove lately and my mind has been transfixed on coming up with the Billion Dollar idea that I know is inside me. To be honest, it’s not about the money….but any idea that can allow me to live the kind of lifestyle I desire is worth at least a cool Billion.
Einstein isn’t the only one who’s come up with great ideas on a bike. My cycling friends Heather (aka @ridempowered) and Wade (aka @cyclingtips) are just two of the many cyclists I hear about jumping on a bike to gather up their best ideas. I’m sure you’re one as well, and have found yourself thinking up great ideas while out there riding.
So for the past week or so my focus has not only been to get out there and have a great ride, but I’ve also been doing all I can to open my mind and get in the Zen-like state so that my mind can be flooded with incredible ideas. Yes, I’m relying on the Einstein Vibe to fill the void I’m searching for.
Is there anything that a bike can’t do? Exercise, de-stress, oxygen, ideas….and so much more. What has your bike done for you lately?

There is no doubt I do some of my very best and very deepest thinking while riding. I have made decisions on solved some of my biggest problems out on the road. The only problem is that I forget about 90% of it by the time I get back home.
Einstein? Really? Well, I guess I should ride even more often, maybe I can find the solution to world hunger while on the saddle, or something.
To answer your question, the bike has allowed me to enjoy the company of my friends! And there’s nothing like it!
Thanks, Johnny. Glad you were able to get out for some good times on the bike. Yeah, a lot of great things have come from just getting out and riding a bicycle.