The Evolution of Bike Information
Like everything in life, technology has changed the way we do all things. I don’t even need to go into pre-internet days, because things have changed enough since them.
We are arguably living through the greatest era in history, and are able to create connections and obtain information in ways that were not even thought about 10 years ago.
Cycling is definitely no exception. Any questions about the bike, and your connection to it can be accessed by a simple online search. Let’s say the zipper of your jersey is stuck, a solution is just seconds away. What if you’re looking into cycle crash claims….yeah, all information is found easily. I, personally like that I can type in any specific question I want to know information about….and there it is.
We don’t usually think about how massive this is. In the past, we weren’t able to see the latest bicycle technology until they showed up at our local bike shop. Because everything is so easily accessible now, there is also a huge increase in the amount of products available. Many of which are new concepts or products that can survive with niche markets.
The social aspect of cycling has also significantly changed. Blogs like this one were one of the first ways for regular people like me to connect and spread information around the world. I’m sure that’s where many of you started your internet information journey.
Although blogs are still an important part of online life, things like podcasts and video channels have become more popular. For now.
As social media platforms continue to grow stronger, more attention is going there. Facebook and Instagram have turned into blogs and websites. It’s where people go to find what they are looking for. Loving the Bike hasn’t evolved like it probably should, but I have tried putting attention towards our Instagram page. It will never be at the level of where this website has been, but it’s fun showing off the beauty and simplicity of the bike.
How has your online journey changed over the past ten years?