The Goodfluence Bicycle Tour: 24 Hours With Rob Greenfield
I’ve often wondered what it would be like to spend a day with Rob Greenfield as I know it would be nothing short of spectacular. I know for a fact that one day soon we’ll spend some good times together, including lots of time on our bikes. But for now, I was fascinated by this article posted on…..24 Hours with Rob Greenfield.
Pretty cool stuff, and it gives great insight into what a dumpster diving, world saving, environmentally awareing day with my buddy is like. It still blows my mind that I personally know someone doing such amazing things and creating such a huge impact on our world.
Rob’s bicycle journey landed in Washington, DC yesterday and he’s just got a few stops left before bringing the Goodfluence Tour to an end. Although it will be the end of this ride, it will in no means be the end of his positive influences.
Bike2Power Powers Rob
I personally like happy, positive people and that’s just one of the reasons I like Rob Greenfield. It’s also a reason I like the company, Bike2Power as well. They are cool people who always have nice things to say and write. They make me smile, and to me that is the foundation of a fantastic person and a successful business.