The Next #LovingtheBike Generation
I’m sure I’m not alone in hoping that the next generation continues to work towards better harmony between cyclists and drivers, and that people continue to love riding bikes.
I’m not the biggest bicycle advocate out there, but I try my best to promote cycling as a way of life and how riding a bike can lead to a greater and more fulfilled life. Today I want to celebrate the next generation of cyclists and give away a very tiny version of our Loving the Bike jersey.
This past summer we did a run of jerseys and kits and now have several cyclists around the world proudly sporting our brand as they ride through their hometown. These kits were designed by our very own, Stevie, and they look amazing. The folks over at Champion Systems took the design and created one hot kit….and I swear that it makes me windproof when out riding in it. Probably bulletproof as well.
Both of my boys have one of these, and now I’d like to give away a jersey to someone else who has an up and coming cyclist…or who knows of a child out there who would look great wearing one of these.
I only have one extra to give away, so unfortunately the size of the jersey is limited. The dimensions are as follows, and likely suitable for someone around 3 years old (give or take a few months).
A: 12 ”
B: 16″
C: 9″
D: 16.5″
Enter to Win:
The contest is now closed. Congratulations to Tom who receives a cute little Loving the Bike jersey for the young cyclist in his life. Thanks to all of you who entered. Oh, and thanks to those of you who added the great pictures as well….we need all those kids in Loving the Bike kits. Watch for another order run in the Spring.
All you have to do to enter is leave a comment telling us about your little cyclist and why they are deserving of this Loving the Bike jersey.
Social Media Bonus:
Receive one bonus entry by posting the following on your social media networks (maximum of 4 entries if you leave a comment and do all of the following):
Twitter – “I just entered to win a hot looking kid’s #LovingtheBike jersey:”
Facebook – “I just entered to win a kid sized Loving the Bike jersey and want to tell the Facebook world all about it:”
Google+ – “I just entered to win a kid sized Loving the Bike jersey and want to tell the G+ world all about it:”
Contest closes on Monday at Noon EST and we’ll select a winner soon after.
We currently don’t have any more kids or adult size jerseys and kits available, but if we have enough interest in them we can always do another run. Contact me if you’re interested.

My littlest cyclist is a fashionista! She would love this.
My little guy would love this! He just turned 3 and is determined to take off his training wheels before the snow falls!
My 3.5 year old deserves it!!! Strider bike to pedal bike to kids CX in 6 months!!!
My little cyclist just turned 2. He’s had a balance bike since he was about 1.5ish. I’ve made sure not to be the pushy dad type, but I can honestly say that once he got the bike outside this fall, he’s been all over it! I’ve never seen a 2 year-old do anything for more than three hours at a time but he and I go out and ride around for that long and longer whenever we get a chance!The picture is oh him helping me build up a townie bike this spring.
Ever since Landry (25 months) saw Daddy finish his first Half-Ironman down in Kerrville – she has been fascinated with “the bike”. Dad’s Bike, Mom’s Bike, Landry’s Bike – and now after walks wants to get on the trainer and go “Aero” (See picture) – she would absolutely love this and would be a great “representative” at the austin ride and race scene. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I never even knew jerseys came that small. I would like to get one for my daughter. If I don’t win can I buy one somewhere?
Hi Kathy, good luck with winning one through our giveaway. We did a run of jerseys and kits a few months ago and will likely do another one next spring. If you don’t win, you can order one then. Thanks for your interest.
My little girl, who is just over 3, comes out and races CX with me on her balance bike and has talked repeatedly about getting a jersey. She’s very enthusiastic about riding her balance bike and is on her way to transitioning to a pedal bike. This would be very cool and could even be handed down to her little brother when he gets older.
My little boy would love this. He’s either zooming round on his balance bike or sitting on the front seat of my bike. As he usually get’s big brother’s hand me downs he’d be really proud to model this shirt!
We bought a run bike for my little boy (who just turned 3) at the beginning of the summer and now he’s bombing around all over the place. He takes it out to my cyclocross races and it’s inspiring to see him cheering me on while sitting on his little bike. He’d love a little jersey like this. 🙂
Too small for Kayla. I will give this comp a miss to allow better chances for those who can use the jersey. Good luck.
My son has been wanting a jersey like daddy for a long time so now’s my chance to get one for him. This one looks really small but I think it will fit my 3 year old.
Too small for my older racers but will be good for Wyatt.
I’ve got an 18 month old who would look really nice in that jersey in a few months. Please enter me.
Congratulations, Tom….you’re the winner of the jersey. Please send your mailing address to me at [email protected].