The Top 5 Visitor Considerations for Cycling in Las Vegas
Las Vegas is one of the top tourist destinations in the entire country. According to reporting from Business Insider, Las Vegas was the fourth most visited American city in 2017 — behind only Orlando, Los Angeles, and New York. Of course, we all know that the city is famous for its casinos, shows, and high-end entertainment options. Though, many people are less aware of the fact that Las Vegas also offers a number of other exciting things to do.
1.Southern Nevada Offers Many Great Trails for Cyclists
One great option is bicycling. If you are visiting Las Vegas — whether you and your family are on vacation or you are on a business trip — you can find a great opportunity to hop on a bike. Here, our team has put together a list of five important things that all visitors should keep in mind when cycling in Las Vegas. As always, please remember that if you do get injured by fault of someone else, it is in your best interest to contact a lawyer in Las Vegas.
The Las Vegas region offers a wide array of incredible, breathtaking trails for cyclists. No matter your skill level, you can rest assured that there is a trail available that is well-suited for you and your interests. So where exactly should you ride while you are visiting the city? As a starting point, TrailLink provides an overview of more than two dozen popular cycling trails that crisscross the entire region. Some of these trails are great for beginners, while others are meant for highly skilled riders.
If you want to bike with your kids, Las Vegas also offers some great biking trails for families. This is truly a great time for bike enthusiasts. Even more exciting? The biking trail options in the Las Vegas area are only going to expand further in the coming years. The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTCSNV) has put together a long-term plan for expanding trails and improving safety. Be sure to check it out of you are interested in seeing what is coming in the future.
2. Visitors May Enjoy a Bike Tour of Las Vegas
Not every cyclist is interested in independent trail riding. Some want to enjoy the views of an urban environment, while others may want to take a guided tour of the natural beauty of our region. Are you interested in taking a bike tour of Las Vegas? If so, there are a number of great options available. Recently, TripAdvisor published a list of the ten best biking tours in Las Vegas. There are a wide range of different choices available — from canyon tours to pub crawls.
3. Cyclists Should Know the City’s ‘Rules of the Road’
Before you get on your bike, you should have a basic understanding of the ‘rules of the road’ in Las Vegas. All drivers have a legal duty to look out for the health and safety of cyclists. At the same time, cyclists also have a legal responsibility to operate their bike in a safe manner.
In Nevada, cyclists are generally required to follow the same laws as are automobiles. Unless they are making a left-hand turn, cyclists should always use the rightmost lane. Notably, cyclists have every right to use the roads in Las Vegas. Indeed, a bike has the legal right to occupy an entire lane.
When cyclists are on designated bike paths or in designated bike lanes, Nevada drivers must always yield the right of way. All drivers should ensure that they give bicyclists enough space and that they take proper care around bikes.
4. Prepare for the Temperatures — Cyclists Must Stay Well-Hydrated
It is no secret that it gets hot in Las Vegas — especially in the summer months. According to Visit Las Vegas, the average high temperature in July is 105 degrees. Even in December and January, the daily high temperatures can easily reach into the 60s or 70s. Cyclists should always be prepared for the weather conditions. In Clark County, Nevada, this means preparing for the heat. You need to stay well-hydrated and you need to protect your skin from potentially dangerous sunburns. If you go out on a biking trip, especially if you are going on a secluded biking path or on a trail outside of the city limits, please be sure that you have access to plenty of water. In addition, wear sunscreen and try your best to cover up exposed skin. Remember, it does not take long before dehydration can turn into a very serious safety issue.
5. Accidents Can Happen: You Need a Local Personal Injury Lawyer
Finally, all cyclists should be prepared for the possibility of an accident. Even the safest of bikers could still be involved in a serious accident — whether that means falling off of your own bike or being struck by a negligent driver. Following a serious bicycle accident, injured victims must take immediate action to protect their health and safety. Certainly, emergency medical needs always come first. You should see a doctor after a major bike accident.
If you were hit by a car while on a bike, your accident should be reported to law enforcement. You should always be sure to get the name, license plate number, and insurance information of the responsible driver. You may be entitled to financial compensation to pay for your medical expenses and to provide financial support to yourself and your loved ones. Personal injury claims are handled locally; if you were hurt in a bike accident in Southern Nevada, you need a Las Vegas bicycle accident attorney.
Enjoy Your Trip to Las Vegas
As mentioned above, Las Vegas has so much more to offer than just the casinos and shows; to be sure, it provides many opportunities for cycling enthusiasts to enjoy the beauty of the city. Make sure to consider this the next time you visit the city, and take all of the necessary precautions to stay safe and have a great experience.