The Un-Explainable Feeling
Last Monday I called myself a fake, even though I am a person who goes after what he wants….and I generally have a Do it Now attitude.
Yes, I go after many of the things I want. But at the same time, I seem to always be chasing my number one goal in life. What is it, you ask? Well, its honestly more of a feeling than a material thing that I can explain.
I’ve tried to describe it to friends and family, but only my soul really knows what I’m searching for. I’ve realized I’m unable to write it down or tell someone what it is, so I continue to hold it inside. Over the years, I’ve come to label it the “un-explainable feeling”.
I’ve done things to help make it a reality, but no matter what I do….that feeling still seems beyond my reach. Always thinking it will come if I do this, or I’ll get there if that happens.
I’ve been very close a few times in my life, and that un-explainable feeling lived up to exactly what I knew it would be like. But those fleeting moments have not been enough.
Maybe I’m asking for too much….but that’s the kind of guy I am. Always wanting more. Never agreeing to settle. So the quest for the un-explainable feeling continues.
But as I write this, I am telling myself inside that it’s time to reach the destination. I want to wake up every single day with this feeling, and I want it now. Here we go. Time to Make it Happen.

Darryl, I often find myself thinking this same way. I then get motivated and make some changes just to realize that what I’m looking for still isn’t there. I’ve struggled with this for years and find that I don’t chase after this as often as I used to. I don’t have an answer for you, but I hope you start living that feeling.