Things to Consider Before Buying Your First Bike
So you’ve made the decision to become a cyclist, but what kind of bike is best for you? It’s a question that all new cyclists face and your local bike shop is a great source for getting you set up. But if you’re looking for a few points of advice, Laura Ginn has them for you. Have a look at what Laura says you should consider before buying your first bike.
Things to Consider Before Buying Your First Bike
by Laura Ginn
How much thought do you put into buying a bike? Don’t waste your money by opting for the first one you see, instead consider your options. This way you will have more chance of buying a bike that you will continue to ride. Below are a few things to consider before you make your decision.
Consider the Type of Bike
Think about the main terrain that you want to ride on as the bikes for each terrain differ greatly.
- Road Bikes: The wheels are thin and the bike is more lightweight than other options. This is great if you are wanting to cycle at speed or over long distances. As these cycles are lightweight they are not designed for heavy loads or extended use over rough terrain.
- Mountain Bikes: Wider tyres with thick treads mark these cycles out for rough terrain, along with a sturdy frame. Here you lose the speed of the road bike but gain much more durability.
- Hybrid Bikes: A cross between a road cycle and a mountain bike offering a bit of the best of both worlds. Good for short trips on the road with a more comfortable riding position than a regular road bike. The best choice for cycling in town.
- The Cruiser: Broad tyres and a wider saddle along with upright handlebars make for simple styling and great if you only ride on the flat. This is also a good bike to choose if you prefer comfort over the need for speed.
Bike Shopping
Take a test drive, just as you would with a car. Borrow a friend’s bike or hire one for a while. Cover a journey that you intend to take on your own bike and see how it measures up. Look at the comfort levels on the ride, your riding position and the speed that you can travel. You may need to try a couple of different bikes until you find the one that is right for you. You tend to get what you pay for when it comes to bikes so try to avoid the heavily discounted retailers as you may end up with something that won’t last.
Storing and Securing Your Cycle
Do you have somewhere to store your cycle when you are not going to be using it? There are thousands of cycles stolen every week from garden sheds and outbuildings. Makes sure that you also invest in suitable bike locks as well as locks for wherever you will be storing your bike. Remember to buy locks for securing your bike away from home too. There are plenty of useful security tips provided by Transport for London that are really helpful.
Insuring Against Loss
The right bike could set you back a decent amount of money, so you should protect it not only with extra security measures but also with Protect Your Bubble bike insurance. Look at it realistically, could you afford to replace your bike if it were to be stolen or damaged by vandals? You don’t think twice about insuring your home and its contents, so why not your bike too?
The Right Accessories
Riding through the city on your daily commute, or rising at speed on the open road can be a risky business. Be sure to invest in a good cycle helmet and be sure to wear appropriate clothing and pads where necessary to avoid any unnecessary injuries. Cycle safety advice is universal, so don’t ignore it.
Laura Ginn loves getting out on her bike and prefers to feel the rugged terrain of the woodland trails under her wheels than the smooth and featureless road surface. She loves the way she needs to concentrate on the trail when riding at speed, plus it really gets the adrenalin pumping.

Generally good advice. If I had it to do over again, I’d talk to friends more, do more research, and think more carefully about what kind of riding I want to be doing.
With regards to the helmet and safety gear issue, I think it depends on where you live and bike and your comfort level with that environment. Cities the world over have hundreds, if not thousands, of citizen cyclists that ride daily in regular clothes with no helmet. Personally, I always wear one.
yeah, not sure that styrofoam hat advice is as universal as you think
pads? really? you want to perpetuate the myth that bicycles are dangerous?