Time: Living vs Passing Time
If finding the time were not an issue, we’d all ride 500 miles a week…right? Unfortunately, most of us have to squeeze in our rides between work, family, and other commitments we have in our lives. I am fortunate to get out for quite a few miles each week…..but it’s funny, the more I ride the more I want to ride.
If I wasn’t having one of my busiest months ever, I would be raking up as many miles as I could….especially since it’s been so beautiful out there lately. I’m feeling strong and energized, but it’s the lack of available time (and too many things on my brain) that have kept me from the additional miles I would like to spend on my bike.
This lack of time has brought my attention to the fact that I constantly seem to be rushing through my day, doing all I can to get it all done. I’m not so happy about that. But you know what? You can’t rush a bike ride, and you can’t rush the special moments you share with your kids. And I love that. I guess that’s why Family and Bikes is what matters most to me.
That’s right, these are the only two things that have managed to calm my rushing spirit and busied mind. When I look at my kids, watch them smile, and hold them in my arms…I am instantly taken to a beautiful, calm happiness. It’s a time and place where nothing else matters at all. I’m so glad this happens or I might end up like Adam Sandler in the movie “Click”, and before I know it my kids would be graduating from College.
I get a similar type of feeling when I’m out Loving the Bike. If you’re a cyclist, I’m sure you know the feeling. That zen like state where for just a matter of time, nothing else matters except for you and your bike. It’s this time on the bike when the duties that have consumed my mind just moments before, are now placed on a shelf….to be dealt with at another time.
Instead of rushing, I push myself for the fastest average speed I can achieve….but it’s not because I want to get it finished faster. Not in the least. What usually happens is I go a little further and get back a little later than anticipated. It’s where time is a factor, but for such totally different reasons.
So as I deal with my “I’m in a hurry to get things done” syndrome and figure out how to slow things down, I’ll be absolutely loving the moments I spend with my Family and with my bike. Oh yes, these are the moments that will be taking up as much of my time as possible each day.
My absolute favorite quote about using time is this one from the movie, Reveal the Path:
Time is something used to measure the passing of life. When you’re out there doing something you love (like riding a bike), time is not a factor because you are now Living and not just passing time.
What are the areas of your life that slow you down? If all your moments are slow and calm….let me know the secret.

Treasure every moment, my “baby boy” turns 20 in a month!
So true about bikes and family, certainly the most important things in my life.
I completely agree, bikes and family are what matters the most. Here’s my favorite quote: “There are many who struggle and climb and finally reach the top of the
ladder, only to find that it is leaning against the wrong wall.” Quoted by
Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, Aug 1976, 60
Thanks for your comment, Chris…..and for sharing the quote. Good one.