Leigh Brandt is Loving the Bike
My friend Richard from Cyclelicious always puts up posts of celebrities riding their bikes when they are spotted. It’s a cool feature he runs and it’s nice to see the celebrities out there Loving the Bike. Well, unless you’re into the health and fitness scene you may not have heard of this celebrity who just recently became a cyclist. Her name is Leigh Brandt and she’s an IFBB (International Federation of Body Builders) Pro competing in the bikini category. In fact, she was Canada’s first ever IFBB Bikini Pro. Leigh lives in Vancouver, British Columbia and is also a published fitness and cover model as well as a personal and online fitness trainer.
Okay, I need to apologize to my Wife and possibly some of my female readers…but I just had to give my mates a little eye candy to go along with this post. Below is Leigh’s thoughts and comments on becoming a cyclist as well as a few photos to go along with it.
Leigh Brandt is Loving the Bike
by Leigh Brandt
Well its official … I’m a “roadie”!! After years of watching my husband go day in and day out for road rides, I caved in and decided to get a bike and try it out! Needless to say its only been 2 weeks my bike has been decked out in PINK and after 1-2 hour rides every day , I’m hooked! I’m already looking into an upgrade!!! Really kicking myself for waiting so long thinking I wasn’t going to like it, I LOVE it!
I have to admit each ride has it challenges, I’m still getting use to being on the road with other traffic, which is something that really scares me- but where I live it seems everyone has a road bike. I live in a very active community so the cars are use to us “roadies” being out there with them but I’m not use to it just yet!
I think by far my biggest challenge has been hills! They are SO dreadful, of course coming back down feels amazing but the most rewarding is reaching the top! Going up is certainly the hardest part and after I get there I’m always like “okay I’m done, let’s go home” but once my heart rate comes down and I recover I’m ready for another one! With that being said It’s hard to find me off of my bike now!
As an IFBB Pro Bikini Competitor & Personal Trainer I spend endless hours in the gym, this sure has added in a great mix to my own personal workouts and beats the boring indoor cardio sessions and to top it off I get to share in something my husband is so passionate about.
Leigh’s Cycling Nutrition:
Pre Ride : Whey Gourmet Shake & 2 Rice cakes
Intra (during): Extravol (loaded with vitamin B’s and BCAA’s)
Post Ride: Egg whites & Oatmeal.
What do you have Pre, Intra & Post Ride, for Endurance & Recovery?
For more on Leigh, you can check out her website at www.msbikinipro.com, follow her on Twitter at @LeighBrandt, and “Like” her over at Facebook.
Leigh’s photos from www.msbikinipro.com.