Team #LovingtheBike for #30daysofbiking 2012
If you were part of Team #LovingtheBike last year, you’ll definitely remember how we were crowned #30daysofbiking champions by the guys at Bicycle Radio. We had so much fun and we’re back again to defend our crown. If you don’t know about #30daysofbiking, you are totally missing out on some bikey goodness that happens each April. You can find out what it’s all about at
It doesn’t matter if you’re on a road bike, BMX, cruiser, mountain bike, on the trainer, or anything else….you just need to spend 30 days on the saddle of your bike.
My buddies, Patrick Stephenson and Zachariah Schaap created something so incredible when they kicked off #3odays in 2010 and I’ve been a part of it since the whole thing began. It really has grown in to something incredible and taking part in some friendly competition with Bicycle Radio last year made it even more fantastic. This year I’ve been asked by the #30daysofbiking guys to be the local representative for Austin. I am so honored and excited to help further spread the word.
It’s not necessary to be a part of a team for #30daysofbiking, and the whole purpose of this event is to get people on their bikes and promote cycling….but if you want to add another dimension, we’d love to have you take part in this with Team #LovingtheBike. The “extra dimension” is that we’ve added our own little point system which adds to the fact you’ll be riding your bike for 30 days in a row….and it allows us to determine who obtains the most points and wins prizes. More details below.
Join the Team:
Co-captains for this year’s Team #LovingtheBike are myself, @PedalmanTO, and @steviedexter…and we’d love to have you as a part of the fun. Here’s what you need to do in order to get yourself onto Team #LovingtheBike for #30daysofbiking:
- Register for #30daysofbiking by going to
- In the “REASON(S) FOR PARTICIPATING” section of the sign up form, put down that you’re riding for Team #LovingtheBike.
- E-mail [email protected] to let us know you’ve joined the team and include your name, e-mail, and twitter handle.
- Tell your friends to join our team….tweet it out and spread the word. “I’m on Team #LovingtheBike for #30daysofbiking:”.
- You’ll need to register and e-mail us about it by March 28th to officially be part of Team #LovingtheBike and get in on the winning.
Last year we gave out a nice prize pack to the team member who racked up the most points and we’re doing the same thing this year. We just might have some prizes for the runner’s up as well. The prizes are great, but from the responses of last year’s teammates the most rewarding part of all this was the fun and good times we all had together during the event. We’ll have more details on the prizes for you soon.
Point System:
Each of the 30 days you’ll have the opportunity to gain a maximum of 5 points.
- 2 points: Ride your bike on a given day. You’re in the Saddle, you’re pedaling.
- 1 point: Trip Reduction…..Meaning you went somewhere on the bike that you would normally do by car. i.e. Rode to work, the store, etc.
- 1 point: Post Picture of your ride to the wall of (if you’re not on Facebook, e-mail them to [email protected] and we’ll post them for you).
- 1 point: Most “LIKE”s of picture per day. Only one picture post per person, per day.
Final Word:
It’s very important to make sure throughout this that the “30-days of biking” message is the main focus. Loving the Bike has chosen to implement the “30-days of biking” challenge to motivate, excite, and challenge its readers. We encourage other groups, org’s, clubs, shops, manufactures to take the challenge themselves and see how they do. The ONLY winners here are those who accept the #30daysofbiking challenge and give it their best. Fun between groups is welcomed and even encouraged. Our scoring system can be used by other “teams” as a standard to compare results. All that matters is having fun, challenging yourself….and riding your bikes.
Let’s do this, Team #LovingtheBike.
Reminder: Order Your Loving the Bike Kit
Order your Loving the Bike Jersey or T-shirt now so you can be out there looking good on the bike this Spring. Head over to Groucho Sports and get yours now. Jerseys starting at $54.95.
We thank you in advance for your support.

It seems there are 30 points I can’t get, because I don’t have a drivers licence or a car. Or does eg riding to work still count as “trip reduction” when that’s all you ever do?
Hi MX, any ride you take that generally would have been done by a car (even if you don’t have a car) will count as trip reduction for sure. I think it’s awesome that you are car-less and those extra points each day will totally be yours. Be sure to join the team.
It seems there are 30 points I can’t get, because I don’t have a drivers licence or a car. Or does eg riding to work still count as “trip reduction” when that’s all you ever do?
It seems there are 30 points I can’t get, because I don’t have a drivers licence or a car. Or does eg riding to work still count as “trip reduction” when that’s all you ever do?
I am in.
I’m in!!! Enjoyed it so much last year and want to spread the love of biking again!!!
I registered before seeing your instructions. Could you add me to the #LovingTheBikeTeam?
Appreciate it!
Marty aka @twittyboyd:twitter
Darryl, I just signed up for the 30 days og biking. Looking forward to being part of your TEAM!!
Kayla and I had already signed up before I saw this. Is there any way I can go back and add #teamLovingtheBike to my registation?
You don’t need to re-register. Getting registered is the first step, now all you have to do is let us know that you want to be on the team and provide your names, e-mail, and twitter ID. I know I have your information, but just wanted to get that out there so everyone else knows.
Thanks Darryl. Count us both in. Kayla is no. 372 and I am honored to be no. 108. As you said, you already have our details. Happy to be part of Team #LovingtheBike.