We Are Google+ Pioneers

It’s been pretty exciting over at Google+ this week, and we’re feeling sort of like G+ Pioneers over here. On Monday, Google announced that they had just made it possible for companies, websites, and brands to create a page….so we got right on it. It’s always hard to be a step ahead of a guy like Cyclelicious, and of course he was already set up once I jumped in. But Loving the Bike, Cyclelicous and Bicycle Design were the first three cycling blogs to set up G+ pages. Throughout the day several other cycling blogs had joined in and now that it’s been a couple days, Google Plus is swarming with cycling websites, blogs, and pages.
Looking back it’s going to be cool to say that we were a part of Google+ from the first day it started. I’m still not sure what to make of this new social media platform and it seems like that’s the general consensus…but it will be neat to watch how it all plays out.
If you are on G+, please add us to your Circle. We look forward to seeing you over there for some good times….of course we’re still on Twitter and Facebook as well. Yes, the life of a blogger just became more complex.