Update From Everysight’s Augmented Reality Cycling Smartglasses
A while back I wrote about how Everysight’s new product had caught my attention. Well, this augmented reality smartglass company continues moving forward and just recently teamed up with Chris McCormack…..a professional ironman champion known as “The World’s Fittest Athlete”.
In my opinion, augmented reality is the newest cool buzzword in the world of technology. You might have noticed that Apple is going big on this and just recently did an update to their operating system to enable their phones to use this stuff.
Everysight’s Raptor smartglasses are bringing this technology to cycling by integrating all the metrics found on your Garmin, or other device to sunglasses. Basically, it’s creating a way for you to keep on eye on all your metrics without ever having to take your vision off the road.
Here’s what Chris has to say about this new technology. “Everysight Raptor is a monumental leap forward that will revolutionize the way we consume and interact with information while training and racing. Once you’ve experienced Raptors, there’s no turning back – you’ll never want to ride without them. They are amazing, an absolute game changer”.
If you’re like me, the Raptor is something you’d like to give a try. Well, we’re going to have to wait just a little bit longer. Later this month, Everysight will be announcing pricing details as well as launch dates. We’ll let you know more as soon as it’s released.
In the meantime, what do you think? With all the new cycling technology and gadgets, do you think the Raptor will be a gamechanger?