What do you want to do before you die? It’s the million dollar question, but how many of you have thought about it enough to know exactly what would go on your list?
Some call it the “Bucket List”, others just call them goals. Whatever you label it as, it’s the list that will fill your body and soul with the fuel it needs to thrive.
I was recently reminded of this question and now find myself randomly asking people, “What do you want to do before you die?” It sure is a great ice breaker when meeting strangers, and it’s a great way to get to know those close to you even better.
If you’ve never heard of The Buried Life, let me tell you that it’s one of the best programs to ever be shown on TV. When we lived in Canada this show aired on MTV and once I discovered it, we watched it religiously. Our family doesn’t watch a whole lot of television, but for shows as inspiring and incredible as this one we definitely make time for it.
I don’t believe the show is still airing, but the four guys from the show continue to tour North America doing presentations and motivating people to chase after their dreams. The guys from the show are awesome, and I love what message they are spreading around the world.
So what’s your answer? We’d love to hear about what you want to do before you die:

While I understand the importance of goals and everything, really there is no big holy grail out there I am
striving for. A few things I would like to do I guess, travel through the different countries of Europe viewing them through a train window comes to mind (so I can go back and bike the ones I liked). But nothing huge Im really aiming for.
At this point I would rather see more balance and just overall happiness in my daily life. A more meaningful and rewarding existence in my daily routine is something I want before I die.
Does that count?
and I would like to figure out how to cut and paste onto this page without it looking whacked…
Sorry about that, Daniel. Disqus must not like cut and paste.
Sounds like a great plan to me. I think if you achieve what you’re looking for, it will make all the rest of us in the world better off as well.
Visiting the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales per bicycle are definitely going onto my Bucket List, I like repeating myself:-)
This is easy…I want to empower as many people as I possibly can to live a joyful life!
Looks like you’re going to have to get another answer…..you’re already doing this one.
The list is long, but one thing that is bicycle related is to compete in a road bike race.
Good luck with that, James. If you need any racing tips be sure to let us know, or tune into http://www.cycling360media.com.