What City?
What city would you live in if you could pick anywhere in the world, without restrictions? Tougher than you think, huh?
What would the basis for your decision be? Would you choose somewhere that allows you to ride your bike in a safe and comfortable environment each and every day of the year? Would you select a location with the highest average wage, or would overall standard of living be what you’re focused on?
Think about where you’re living right this minute. How did you get there? Is it the location you’ve always dreamed of living in, or have you grown to love it because it is your reality?
Sure, loving where you are is a choice and all the happy gene optimists out there are satisfied no matter where they are because they know that life is more than where you live. Like they always says, “It’s not where you are, it’s who you’re with”.
Unfortunately my brain doesn’t work that way. I’m convinced there is an ideal location for me out there, and I guess that’s why I’ve lived a life that has me searching for it. Oh, how much easier life would be with a different brain. But it sure does make for one interesting journey.

I would live out in the country near Austin Texas, aside from the heat in the summer, it is awesome riding most of the year. Beautiful and peaceful.
Hahahaha, sounds like you’re already living in the perfect spot.
I feel the same about there being an ideal location for me/us out there too; it’s just matter of finding it. Guess my brain works similarly to yours! We have just returned to the US from Mexico, bought a motorhome and will be traveling around in it, searching out great spots to bike and hike, watch birds, and see the US. May eventually get to Canada and Mexico as well. Perhaps during our travels, that elusive perfect place will reveal itself when we least expect it. 🙂
Our family had actually thought about doing that at one point. Still think it would have been cool to spend some time traveling around in this way. Good for you, and be sure to check back with updates once you’re on the road.