When Life Gets Complicated
Just before New Year’s Eve, I labeled 2016 the year to Simplify. Yeah, I seem to like to nickname the upcoming year for some reason.
I honestly do think keeping things simple is a sure way to a happy life. But what do you do when things gets more complicated than you’d like?
You grab your friends and go ride your bikes.
Yeah, you know what I’m talking about right? The ultimate way to take your mind off things.
Here’s to a year full of simplicity……and a solution for those days that might not be as simple as you may like.
Photo c/o Tour de Femme

Simplicity and being present. It can be difficult for me to keep cycling simple. All of the gear you can buy, new carbon frame, fancy Rapha kit. But does any of this really make any of our experiences better? Is a newer bike going to make your ride with your best friend any better? Keep it simple and let your experiences be the something shinny and new.
The more you are able to stay present to that ride, the richer that experience will be for you. Having a real conversation with a new friend is more important for both of you than fixing a line of code, advancing the progress of a sale, or making another dollar. Remain in the moment.
Words to live by. I hope you are hanging in there my friend. Life is good.