Why is the Baby Rasta so Popular?
You don’t have to spend much time in Grenada before you start seeing the “Baby Rasta” sticker on the back of cars and busses. If you’re like me, seeing it all over the place makes you wonder what the significance is of this popular image. Yeah, that’s exactly what I’ve been thinking since arriving on this island.
I started off searching for the image online to find out what the significance of this image is, and why it’s so iconic in Grenada. I found absolutely nothing.
I asked around to see if I could get some insight into the popularity of the image. Again….nothing.
Then I finally came up with my own conclusion. You see, here in Grenada (and in all similarly isolated countries) the amount of goods available for purchase are very limited. Bringing items in from abroad is expensive and complicated, and the majority of people living here have to strictly rely on what is locally available.
So putting graphics on your vehicle is left to what is able to be found. At some point, these Baby Rasta stickers were brought it. People thought they were cool so they bought them. The seller figured they should bring in more since they are selling…..and the cycle continues.
From what I’ve seen, the choice for vehicle stickers is between the Baby Rasta and the Playboy Bunny symbol. So there you go. Limited options, breeds popularity.
How does this fit with our #MakeitHappen Monday theme? Well, most of you likely are faced with unlimited options as you go through your day. Some would argue, way too many options. Remind yourself that life goes on, even when there are limited choices available……Live Simply.

Well i am a Grenadian, so i have been trying to do some research for myself and i have come up empty handed too! However what i can say from asking around that represents a from of Rastafarianism, (Some people have religious memorabilia on their vehicles from time to time) The Youth, folding his arms represents a ‘rebel’, a youth uprising of sorts because its the younger folks (And those who were young at the time 🙂 ) would have used these stickers, and also you will find many stickers of Lions, Bob Marley and, Selassie so it does have a meaning, but the origins of it to me are still yet to be found. once i find something i will let you know.
It is a cult. Just kidding.
Hahahahaha, yeah it just might be.
I think that these car graphics are a way for people to help express themselves. Here in Boulder, we see a lot of dog families, or Star Wars families. Just like in Grenada, there seem to be one or two choices here. Our individuality has to be broader than a couple of brands.
Yeah, it’s nice to have options to express yourself.
That’s great, we just had a conversation last week about this. It seems like there is no shortage of custom car graphics on the island though – everyone’s got their own personalized slogan. Which is why the baby rasta stands out, it’s the only decoration (aside from high school ties) that you see on multiple cars. I was convinced that it had some meaning but your explanation makes just as much sense!
Yeah, I thought there was more to it as well. Thanks for your comment, Matthew.