Women and Wheels
In honor of Women’s History Month, here are some of my favorite pics of women on two wheels and woman-focused art. I love when I see a cool girl on a bike and she lets me take her photo.
Ok, not a bicycle, but she’s too cool not to include.
And last, me. Here’s to all the girls on bikes.Â
– Suzanne

Great images Suzanne. Really like all of them. Love the perspective of the tattoo shot. Which velodrome is it? The self portrait is very nicely executed. Awesome collection of images.
Awesome, Love it. Some of my best moments have been riding with my bike on her Pink Pilot as she drops some guy with more ego than ability. Great pictures.
thanks Eric. ego always seems to get in the way of enjoyment, doesn’t it? 🙂
Women and bikes, two of my favorite subjects for obvious reasons. Love the motorcycle shot, and the selfie! I am very happy to see the boom in the number of women taking up cycling both urban and MTB. While shooting races and events over the years I have ended up with thousands of bike photos and looking back through them its generally the female riders that make my favorite shots. They just seem to have more style and add a certain artistic value to the photos- that could be just me but I don’t think so. In an upcoming website overhaul I am leaning towards starting a women’s page or section for said photos, we’ll see. I’m a bit worried about conveying the wrong idea but that may be me just being paranoid too.
Last summer I was invited to shoot the Midnight Sunburn Anchorage Polo Tourney – great stuff with some very colorful people.
awesome! that would be a blast
Love all of those- but especially the lady with the dogs tied to the bike! 🙂
she was awesome Sarah. I passed her and ended up circling back after about 4 blocks to find her. just had to get a picture; she was gracious enough to oblige. I love meeting people out there while riding
Totally awesome. I love it all…..especially that last photo. Here’s to all women cyclists worldwide.
thanks my friend. cheers