A Lot Has Happened in 3 Years…on and off the Bike
Can you believe that Loving the Bike is heading into its third year of cycling blogging? Yep, it was back on February 6th 2010 that we launched our cycling lifestyle website and the world has been a better place ever since. Okay, well I’m not sure about that….but it sure has done a lot of my life both on and off the bike.
Over the past three years I’ve found myself getting more and more immersed in cycling related projects and I am totally loving it. Loving the Bike has helped me branch out into other cycling related initiates such as Crank Listed, #bikeschool, Cycling 360 Podcast, and now my bicycle cafe.
But along with all that, it’s enabled me to meet and get to know a whole lot of incredible bike people all over the world and has allowed me to ride my bike in some pretty awesome places. A great big thank you to anyone and everyone who’s helped make all this happen.
Celebration is a good thing, and today I invite you to join in and celebrate our Anniversary/Birthday and all the good things that cycling brings to our lives.
Loving the Bike would not be where it is today if it wasn’t for Kelli, Stevie, Aaron, Myron….and of course, all our amazing friends and followers. To all of you, I say a great big Thank You.
Here’s a little Birthday video from me to all of you:
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-U0ApQ-IpI’]

Congrats LTB. I was through #bikeschool and LTB that I met so many woderful friends that share my love of cycling. It is a pleasure knowing you all and sharing our stories.
Congrats LTB. It was through LTB and #bikeschool that I have made so many wonderful friends who share the same love of riding as I do. Keep up the great work team. It is a pleasure knowing you all and sharing my stories with you.
Happy Anniversary Loving the Bike! Awesome!!!
You’ve been my greatest supporter since day one….I Love You.
I’m so glad to be a part of it, too! Congrats on making it happen Darryl! It’s been, and will continue to be, a great ride:)
Not just a part of it…..a hugely important part of it. Thanks Kelli.
Happy Bday LTB
Amanda and I were talking today about how we can still remember sitting in our basement in Saskatoon talking to you about ideas. Thanks for helping to get this off the ground and for all you’ve done since then.
LTB for life
You know it, Stevie. It’s been so awesome having you along for the ride, my friend.
So glad I’ve been a part of it. When Jenny and I make it to Grenada, out drink of choice is a gin and tonic with lime! d8^)
How about a Ting with a Sting or some other Caribbean concoction? Can’t wait to meet up and have some great times together.
Has it really been that long? Good work Darryl, keep all the great information coming.
Yep, time flies huh? Thanks for your support, Ed.
Congrats Darryl! I love loving the bike!
Thanks Shawn…..it helped introduce me to you so that’s reason enough to call it a success, right?
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Loving the Bike, Happy Birthday to you.
Cute….thanks, Sarah.
Thank you, John.
Happy Anniversary Darryl and too all the crew at LTB. Thank you all for the great posts and articles. I appreciate them very much. Great site with wonderful information. Wishing you continued happiness and success.
I really appreciate it, G. It feels great knowing that what we’re putting out there is beneficial.