Big Time Change
Okay, so if you tuned into #bikeschool last Thursday you would have seen me drop some pretty huge news. To be honest, I wasn’t going to get into everything here on the website or anywhere else until it had already happened. But the spirit and excitement of our weekly bike chat brought it out of me.
Our family is moving……again. Yes, it’s true. The decisions came suddenly and what is about to unfold was put together in an instant. Maybe it’s because our family is really good with big change. Maybe it is because this is the path we were meant to take. Either way, our house is filled with excitement, anticipation, and positivity. I like that.
I’ll explain more of the where, why, and everything else in the coming weeks. But for today’s #MakeitHappen post, let’s just leave things at big time change.
It’s no secret that mankind is horrified of change. This fear is built right into our DNA and we are constantly battling it our whole lives. I’m no different. But for some reason, I seem to be okay with huge freaking change.
I’ve lost count, but this has got to be around the fifth time our family has made what can be called a “mega-move“. This involves a change in career, change in house, change in country, change in vehicles, and pretty much everything else that makes up a typical day to day constant in most people’s lives.
Think about this for a second. Imagine changing most of the major things in your life…..all at the same time. Realize all the energy that needs to go into that change on either side. Selling things off, clearing things up, ending one chapter. Then immediately getting new things, setting things up, and starting a new one.
Yeah, it’s insane for sure. But like anything in life, if you just focus on what needs to be done and move forward in a positive direction…..even the biggest of changes can be dealt with.
Wish me the best, and I’ll write more about this soon.

Excited for you and can’t wait to read more. We’re all about the big changes too: Since 2011 we’ve moved from NC to Belize to a US road trip to Mexico and now back in the US. We’ve now purchased a motorhome we’re fixing up (gonna build mega bike storage inside!) and hoping to start criss-crossing the US in (maybe some forays into Canada and Mexico too, eventually). So, we can relate! It’s all been somewhat stressful, but fun and exciting too. What more could we want? I wish the same for you and your family’s next move!
Thanks, Emily. I really appreciate your nice comments and for thinking of us. Keep up with your spirit of adventure….it’s always a great thing.
Thanks, Emily. I really appreciate your nice comments. Keep up with your spirit of adventure….it’s always a good way to be.
Hey Darryl, exciting news about a change….can’t wait to hear the details…best of luck getting organized and moved. Talk to you soon.
Thanks, Myron. Sorry I never gave you the details first hand. Been kind of pre-occupied and to myself with everything. Be sure to come visit us soon.
Congratulations on the changes in your life!
I have had a lot of change in my life over the past year. I understand.
It is truly amazing what we can create in our lives when we open our minds to new possibilities.
Keep riding your bike and your family will make it through. Can’t wait to hear all the details.
Thanks bro, I appreciate the message. Yeah, change can be fun right?
Hey Darryl
I feel terrible we have not been able to connect by phone. Lets keep trying, I want to hear about what is going on. and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Like Chris said, paradise is a state-of-mind. Life is good.
Eric, we’ll connect soon. You’ve been busy and so have I. Looking forward to everything….and really wanted to drop the news to you before I posted about it.
Wow! Seems like y’all just got to where you are. I do wish you the best. I’ve tried to imagine making a big change like that (new job, new city) and even interviewed for a job, but it wasn’t meant to be. I’m excited for you and your family. Stay positive!
Yeah, life in the fast lane. Thanks for your nice message, Paul.
Bike paradise is a state-of-mind not a location.
I was in Raleigh this past weekend. Biking there is pretty nice. Trails and bike lanes go all around the area. I did run into some wild life (dogs). I think they just wanted to play, but big dogs and cyclists do not play well together.
You are very correct. Paradise is definitely a state of mind. Thanks for your comments, Chris.