Ask the Sports Nutritionist

Homemade Sports Drink Recipe

February 11, 2012

I know there are more than enough sports drinks to choose from on the market, but I’d really like to make my own.  Do you have a homemade sports drink recipe you can share with me? Kelli’s Homebrew Sports Drink Recipe 1) Mix: 48 ounces water 16 ounce 100% juice (any flavor) 1/4 cup...
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Vitamins and Minerals

January 28, 2012

Which individual supplements should I take? I generally eat pretty healthily and stay relatively fit but I wonder if I’m getting enough vitamins and minerals. Is there a product (available in the UK) that contains the right mixes of daily vitamins and minerals and if not, which individual supplements should I take to compliment...
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Overeating at Night

January 21, 2012

Metabolism – Overeating in the Evening? I feel like I can’t control my night-time eating?  Is this as bad as I think it is? Can you hear it?  The “JAWS” music playing in the background.  There’s something sneaking up on you…A METABOLISM KILLER! AAAAAAAAAH! Over-Eating in the Evening.  That’s right.  It may not sound...
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Fluid Intake While Cycling

January 14, 2012

During the summer, I got in the habit of weighing myself before and after training to monitor my fluid losses.  When it was hot, I lost 35-40 oz. per hour – this seems like too much to try to drink while riding.  What are your thoughts?  Great job with weighing yourself to monitor fluid...
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Ideal Carbohydrate and Protein Ratio

January 7, 2012

It seems like I’ve read about an optimal ratio of carbs and protein while training.  What is it and is it important?  Yes, there is a recommended carb to protein ratio for training nutrition, and it’s 4:1 (grams).  With this ratio, digestion of the fluid or food is not impeded in the stomach like...
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Carbohydrate Recommendation for the Night Before a Race

December 10, 2011

What are your carbohydrate recommendations for the night before a big ride or race?  It‘s important to think about the timeline of digestion in this scenario. It only takes refined carbohydrates ~15-60 minutes to be digested and hit the bloodstream. Then, they‘re stored. If your glycogen stores are not fully replenished, they can be...
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Sodium and Potassium in Sports Drinks

December 3, 2011

With regular sports drinks and gels or energy bars, I can’t seem to get the right amount of sodium and potassium.  Any tips for adding it?  It’s difficult to get the 400+ milligrams sodium and 100+ milligrams potassium per hour needed per hour during intense training with standard sports drinks and bars.  First, take...
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Healthy Salad Dressing

November 26, 2011

I like to have salad dressing with my dinner salad, but would like to know what is the best choice. Maybe you’ve been extra good and you’re eating large salads at dinner, paired with a healthy protein.  This is GREAT! – unless you’re adding a lot of regular-calorie dressing to your large salad.  ...
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Holiday Eating Tips

November 19, 2011

Every Holiday Season, I seem to put on weight.  This year, I’m really trying to maintain within 5 lbs of my summer racing weight.  Any tips? Yes, here are my Top 5 Tips for Avoiding Holiday Pounds: The “Holidays” are really only a few days.  Enjoy food, friends, and family on these days, but...
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Proactive Nutrition

November 12, 2011

Be Proactive rather than Reactive – Be in control I seem to have a problem when it comes to controlling my eating schedule.  Can you help me out? Although it would be great if we only ate when we were hungry and stopped when we were full, most people struggle with daily “cravings,” emotional eating,...
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5 Tips to Avoid Feeling Sleepy After Exercise

November 5, 2011
5 Tips to Avoid Feeling Sleepy After Exercise

Sleepiness in Athletes James’ Question: Is it usual to get really sleepy a couple of hours after a ride? I’ve recently started riding at the weekends (though I’m a long-time commuter and spinning fan). A typical example would be a two or three hour ride, in which I drink 500ml of energy drink, with...
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Posted in Ask the Sports Nutritionist, Cycling Tips and Information | 10 Comments »


October 22, 2011

Question: I cramped badly during a recent cycling race.  I never cramp on training rides no matter how long they are.  What is the best nutrition plan for race so I can avoid this happening again? Kelli’s Answer: First of all, there are many reasons why you might cramp during a race, and they...
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    October 2024
    M T W T F S S


Sugar Alternatives for Energy and Hydration

Question: I am using the homebrew sugar formulations (sometimes added to green tea).  I am also trying to wean myself off 1/2 dose adrenalean “lip tonic delivery system” (biorhythm brand- caffeine, hoodia g, synephrine, yohimbe) capsule for energy.

My question is other than juice, can you suggest modifications in lieu of table sugar for energy and hydration.


Both raw/organic honey or agave can work great in the homebrew (substitute in the same quantities for the sugar, or to taste), but you do have to shake well in order to make sure they don’t settle out.  Have you tried either of these?  Also, make sure to use at least the minimum amount of salt recommended in the homebrew as the temps rise, you need the sodium replacement if you’re sweating.

Sports Drink Homebrew

Please send us your questions for our Expert Sports Nutritionist, Kelli Jennings to “Ask the Sports Nutritionist“. Kelli Jennings is a Registered Dietitian with a passion for healthy eating, wellness, & sports nutrition. For more information go to

Nutrition Tips