Dude Making a Difference
Want an easy way to get the #MakeitHappen attitude, and read a fantastic book at the same time? Go read Dude Making a Difference.
The author of this book is someone I have written about several times on this site, and I have labeled him “the Gandhi of our time”.
Yes, remember Rob Greenfield? He’s my crazy buddy who has twice ridden across the United States promoting things like a self sustaining lifestyle, the food waste fiasco, water conservation, and to Do Good. He’s freaking awesome.
Well, now he has a book….and I highly recommend you readers out there pick it up.
Dude Making a Difference is the story of Rob’s radical adventures and inspirational actions performed as he cycled across the United States. Everything from creating only 2 pounds of trash along the way, to eating only from grocery store dumpsters, to barely using any water along the way.
In this book, Rob also explains more about why he went for over a year without showering, and all his other extreme environmental methods of conservation. Best of all, Rob’s happy-go-lucky attitude and calming spirit makes this book a super easy and enjoyable read.
Buy Dude Making a Difference right here.