Grenada By Bike: Overview
My friend Victor from Bicycle Lab and the Cycling 360 Podcast told me that he’d really like to see some video of what it’s like biking around Grenada. He’s a wise man (he is a guru after all) so I’m taking his advice and today’s post is the start of our new Grenada By Bike feature at Loving the Bike.
When I’m on my road bike it’s all about the training so I decided to take Tina Turner (my commuter) out for a spin so I could grab some shots of me riding around. The roads are the same ones I road bike on and maybe one of these days I’ll even take the camera out on a training ride as well.
Here’s a first look at Grenada By Bike…be sure to keep tuning in for more in this feature, and also let me know if there’s anything in particular you’d like to see me film while out for a ride.
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Looks like a great place to be. With all that sand you should start thinking FAT BIKE!
I would love one of those. It’s definitely on my wish list.
Start planning your trip.
Wow. I’m making plans to come be a barrista immediately. That is just incredible!
Did I ever tell you that you’re awesome? Well, you’re awesome!
I agree. You are awesome Darryl. So cool man.
Thanks, my friend. I look forward to the day that you and I ride these roads together.
I Love You.