Hashtag Tuesday: #bikeschool
You knew it was just a matter of time before I’d feature #bikeschool in our Hashtag Tuesday series. #bikeschool is that crazy little idea that my good friend @bikerly had last summer….and it just grew, and grew, and grew.
Secret Evol Plan
It all started as something he deemed a Secret Evol Plan (Evol = Love backwards and even more dastardly than the regular evil) and when it came time to turn the plan into a reality, the idea of Bikeschool was born. It was August 10, 2010 that the Evol genius’ of @bikerly, @egggman, and @lovingthebike joined forces and kicked off the #bikeschool tweets.
#bikeschool Tweet Chat
It began as simply a hashtag that would attach to a tweet about something you learned about life while out on your bike. The tag took off quite nicely and immediately we had a bunch of bikeschool fans….but @bikerly knew this thing had to be something more. Secret Evol Plan #2 took effect and on Thursday October 21, 2010 #bikeschool became a weekly Tweet Chat happening on Thursday’s at 9PM EST. To learn more about the Thursday Tweet Chats, check out this post that explains it all.
The #bikeschool Revolution
#bikeschool has taken on a life of it’s own and has given us more internet fame than I could have ever imagined. We have a loyal group of classmates who are always demanding more…..so watch for the #bikeschool jerseys coming out this spring, and a #bikeschool road trip happening next winter.
Have you checked out #bikeschool? It’s become a very active hashtag each week on Twitter….watch out though, some #bikeschool tweets can be quite strange.

ROAD TRIP!!!! Ican’twaitican’twaitican’twait 😉
Right back at you, Heather. What’s the date of the wedding again? I have a wedding on April 9th and I think that’s the same night as yours.
Brilliant and strange all at the same time 🙂
Oh, and dastardly evol. So happy this worked out. I’ve met a ton of really great classmates. Also, it’s good to know these dates, so we can all add to our educational experience – resumes/LinkedIns/etc.
When will #bikeschool offer a degree?
Look what you’ve created, my friend.