Hashtag Tuesday: #whyweride
It all started with a random thought (tweet) by @FunctionalCycle in December 2009:
It was not a new idea to @FunctionalCycle, as he had always made a conscious effort to be positive in everything that was being promoted, but the above tweet was heard and then sparked the creation of #whyweride….a great Twitter hashtag put together by our friend, @Ohaijoe.
Immediately the tag took off and there were hundreds of #whyweride tweets going out each week. Over a year later, the hashtag is still going strong…but @Ohaijoe admits that it needs new life breathed into it. So here we are, highlighting it in our Hashtag Tuesday feature and seeing what happens from here.
Why do you ride? If you’re on Twitter, let it be known….tell why you ride. Please also let us know by posting your comments below.

Health, wealth and happiness! A usual wedding day wish to the happy couple. But can be used as a reason as to why we ride.
I like the way that, when I ride, it totally clears my head of all of the stress of the day — I don’t get that total focus when I’m doing cardio on a treadmill or other cardio in the gym. Also, there is something about breathing the fresh air that does a body (and mind) good!
I am totally with you. Cycling is the best de-stressinator that there is.
My ride allows me to feel fit and strong, feel like me, while being mom to 2 young children with a 3rd one on the way (they’re often trailing me in a Chariot). Fresh air, healthy heart, healthy kids.
I doubt there are many more healthy families out there than yours. Thanks for sharing you comment, Kelli. I can’t wait for your next Loving the BITE recipe.