Let’s Talk About How You Look in a Helmet
We all know that pro cyclists look like a helmet totally belongs on their head, but what about you?
It’s been a while since we posted a “Let’s Talk” question….remember those? Yeah, it’s the kind of post that gets created by all of you. We post the question, and you build the content by listing your comment below. This time we’re also asking for pictures as well.
Have a watch of this quick Let’s Talk video and then post your comment and/or picture.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ht9pcUW5dw’]

Don’t leave home without it. A helmet on a bike is now different than a seat belt
A helmet is no different than a seat belt to me and feel naked without one.
I ride in dayglo safety yellow jerseys, any helmet is like the cherry on top of a garish sundae. I ride because I want to/need to. I do not ride because I want to look like Cipollini…well, it wouldn’t be bad to look like Cipo. As it has been repeated, I look better in a helmet than in a coma. I also look better in a helmet than in a divorce court. My wife would impose serious repercussions if I were to ride sans brain bucket.
I think the helmet makes me look like a cyclist, which sure beats looking like a patient in a hospital bed
As mentioned above, wearing a helmet looks better than a coma.
I have 2 helmets, a Giro, and a Bontrager. I don’t look good in either one, but I would look worse in a coma or dead, so…..
I’m ugly without the helmet so wearing one doesn’t hurt the aesthetics any.
Like a bobble-head, but I don’t care :).
DjD808, have you tried any of the Bern brand helmets? They have a very round-looking shape and I’ve heard from several people with round heads that say that they fit them very well. Worth looking into at least.
helmets save lives! we ride to school and my 12 yr old loves it but my 14 yr old doesn’t like the way the helmet makes him look. other kids laugh about it. kids are mean
Don’t really think about how I look. I’ve gone over the handlebars a few times. I cracked my helmet once. Glad it was my helmet and not my skull.
I never look good in cycling helmets. I have a round head and none of the off the shelf helmets feel like they fit me correctly. They are either too small or too large. I’ve given up spending money on what I think looks like a helmet that fits me properly.