Let’s Talk About Your Fantasy Bike Ride
This month we’re asking you to join our discussion about your Fantasy Bike Ride. We want you to help build this post up by commenting about a ride you wish you could take…but it has to be something that isn’t generally an option. We want you to get creative and tell us about a location or route you wish you were able to take your bike on, and why.
Have a look at this video I filmed in Las Vegas last month to get you started…or jump right on down to the comments section and start laying it all out. Let’s have some fun….Let’s Talk.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_mhORI6aog’]

I would love to go to Israel and bike the footsteps of Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul. Totally doable with some cash and connections, perhaps one day I will #MakeItHappen!
My fantasy ride would be sort of stupid, but definitely one for the un-real category: I’d like to bike one loop of the Capital Beltway around Washington DC (I-495). It wouldn’t be terribly pretty, or terribly cool, but man! What a statement!
Likewise, I’d be psyched to see a ride on most major interstates – close them for a day to all motor vehicle traffic and let the bikes have at it!
Sounds great, Christian.
It’s hard to come up with something really creative. How about riding a paved road through the Sahara desert? I’d just have to be sure I bring enough water with me.
I’ve been staring at this post for a solid hour…trying to conceive a wildly imaginative ride, some place no one has ever thought of riding. However, I can’t seem to summon the creativity I rely on to articulate such thoughts. Sure cool things come to mind, like riding a retro-fitted stead on a roller coaster track. But really, I find myself thinking more about who I would ride with rather than were. Darryl, I’d be just as happy riding with you down alleyways in Rawlings, Wyoming as I would on a beach in the Caribbean Islands. How cool would it have been to ride with Albert Einstein, ANYWHERE! Imagine single-speeding it with Thomas Jefferson, or bustin’ some single-track with Abe Lincoln & Teddy Roosevelt. The more I think about it the more I realize, maybe on a bicycle, I don’t have to fantasize. Maybe just the simplicity and pureness of riding are enough…that said, and in the spirit of the post, I guess my fantasy bike ride would be in a group, about 7 billion strong!
Sounds pretty Fantastical to me, dude.
My fantasy ride includes fantasy speed which I do not have. I want to climb the Alps with the pros!
Good idea….I hadn’t thought about that, but fantasy high speed would be awesome.
There is a dirt road out in the country by our farm that would make a really nice route for road biking. I wish it were paved so that I could ride out in the country by my farm and ride past the stream that runs along a big portion of this road. That would be a true fantasy ride for me.
John, it sounds like you just need a mountain bike or a cyclocross bike and your fantasy is set!
My immediate response was not so much a place as a person, but if it’s going to be a place it would be Washington D.C. To be able to peacefully ride around and see the sights would be a treat..
Nice one, Bob.
Good idea about riding through the chunnel, I’ll add that one as well. I was going to list riding downtown New York as my choice. If they could clear up the traffic it would be great to ride all the bridges and through downtown.
The NYC Bike Tour should be right up your alley. Invest in the VIP Package and see every borough on your bike.
I want to cycle in Europe so including a ride through the chunnel so I can ride from London to Paris would be part of my fantasy ride. Let me get more creative and see what other rides I come up with.
Totally….riding the chunnel would be awesome.
The best ride would be any marathon route in a major metropolitan area 15minutes before the race starts. The streets are empty and totally yours. I did this once and got arrested, but the 30 mins it took to catch me as I rode through the empty streets was surreal. Imagine a bustling metropolis with zero cars and zero traffic. It was amazing.
Sounds great to me.
My dream, as with many other cyclists, is to climb Alpe d’Huez. Although it is not the biggest or toughest of the TdF climbs, it is certainly the most iconic. I would also love to get over to the states to meet and ride with all my friends there. If given the chance, I would love to do RAGBRAI. I know that the video said think of somewhere that is not normally open to bikes, but unless they are going to fly me to the moon, I can’t think of anywhere else.
Yep, the moon would be quite the Fantasy ride. Thanks for adding to the post today, Mark.