Make it Happen Monday: Anarchy
Warning: This post just might set a few of you off. I always find it scary putting up controversial posts….but life’s about living on the edge, right? I hope y’all see where I’m coming from on this one.
Anarchy…What a way to start a Make it Happen Monday post, huh? What the heck does that word mean anyway? If you don’t know the official dictionary definition for it, I’m sure it conjures up a not so positive picture, right? Well, I just happen to have my man Webster’s official definition right here:
Etymology: Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek, from anarchos having no ruler
1 a : absence of government b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government 2 a : absence or denial of any authority or established order b : absence of order :
I also happen to have a great definition from my cycling pal, Clive Chapman:
“Anarchist” in the true sense of the word actually means living without rules because you’re “good” enough not to need them. The term “anarchist” as we think of it today kind of got taken over in England in the 19th Century by pseudo revolutionaries who were intent on changing the system by violence. A little known piece of my countries’ history, actually. – Clive Chapman
You know what? I don’t think it’s such a bad word after all. In fact that part where it says “living without rules because you’re ‘good’ enough not to need them” is pretty cool I must say. Instead of a negative image, Anarchy can actually be thought of as a word to create a calming, free, and positive picture. It’s the kind of situation where people are free to think and do things without the threat of “dream killers” sabotaging their positive efforts. As with that famous glass half empty or half full analogy, Anarchy can also vary depending on how you look at it…but I would be bold enough to say that a life of “Constructive Anarchy” is a beautiful life to live. I would explain this as a positive and beneficial deviation from the “rules” of society.
Some of you might be thinking to yourself…”Has Darryl freaking lost it, or what?” But if you just ponder this concept for a moment, you might be with me on this one. We’re cyclists, right? Held between a common passion for the bike and love for all things related to it… spirits in our own right. If you’re anything like me, you’re a freethinking, positive minded person, with the intent of creating inspiration, healthy living, and a radiant lifestyle. On and off the bike.
Here’s to living in your own Constructive Anarchist world, and not merely following along with the North American rat race.

You know what I like best about this post? That hopefully it makes people stop and rethink their assumptions about what other people mean just b/c of the meaning they attach to a word. I think this is a very culturally relevant post. And, i think that living such a positive and other-oriented life that you don’t need rules is a beautiful way to live.
Wow, what a great comment Pamela. I love how you said that and thanks for mentioning that it’s a very culturally relevant post. You know me…..just doing my thing and living life by my rules. I’ve got a couple Make it Happen Monday post coming that you’re really doing to like if you liked this one.
Thanks for the mention Darryl!
I think the modern corruption of the word Anarchy has completely taken over the mindset of folk Darryl, which I guess is completely understandable given the mass media world we live in.
Maybe the term Utopia might be a better option even though they can be argued to mean the same thing.
Maybe it’s a mid life crisis, male menopause, call it what you will, but I’m starting to get the feeling that there’s something more or different we can do to make us happier. I ain’t got a clue what it is yet, there’s definatley something, but it’s something hazy, just out of reach at the moment, but I will grab it when it materialises, or I realise what it actually is!
I know one thing, there’ll be bikes in there somewhere!
Thanks for providing the Anarchy definition and for sparking this post. For me it hasn’t been a mid-life crisis….I’ve always been on the search for the happiest life ever. I’m definitely not one to settle for a good thing….I want the absolute best. Good luck with your journey and congratulations for realizing that there is definitely more out there.
At first glace at this post I was getting ready to rip you apart, but after reading through the post I kind of like what you have to say. I’m not sure about labeling it as Anarchy but I think it is a nice way to look at things. Great post, Darryl.
Oh, and great picture by the way.
I’m glad we were able to avoid being ripped apart….hahahahaha. Thanks for reading past the initial impact and waiting around to see where I was going with this one.
Love it….I’m officially now an Anarchist.
I don’t think you can convince me that Anarchy can be a positive thing, but I did like what you had to say in your post. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but that word has always had negative images attached to it for me.
Okay George, let’s just call it something else…..but let’s be sure that we are living that way, right?
When I saw the title it really got me thinking how something positive was going to be told. But you were successfully able to get me looking at things differently this morning. Happy Make it Happen Monday to you as well.