What I Know For Sure
- I know that today’s blog will be filled with things I know for sure as well as some strange things I know for sure. Just like me…..partly normal, partly strange.
- I know that when you are exercising in the heat, there is no better taste than that of cold water. At that moment, it is the most satisfying drink on Earth.
- I know that jumping in the ocean right after riding my bike in the heat, is the best possible way to refresh myself.
- I know that I have the best kids that any guy could ever ask for.
- I know that there was a time when I didn’t think I could ever live without a dishwasher, but now I know I can live with much less than that and still be extremely happy.
- I know that simplicity is one of the secrets to happiness. I know it might be hard to convince you of that, especially if you are living in one of today’s fast paced cities……but I do know this is true. “The Less You Own, The Less That Owns You”
- I know that I dearly need to set things up so that I can rely on a bike for transportation much more than a vehicle.
- I know that Schwalbe tires are the best I’ve ever used on any bike….ever. Good stuff.
- I know that I love my Family and Bikes more than anything else in the World….and to me, the rest is just stuff.
- I know that I must try to remember to see things as a child more often. That way I can better understand what’s going on in my children’s lives.
- I know that if you’re biking and you come across some goats, they will dart off to the side of road…….most of the time.
- I know that this only applies “most of the time” as I’ve had two friends collide with goats while biking.
- I know that cows are a little trickier as it’s hard to know which direction they are going to turn. Luckily I’ve come across far more goats than cows while I’m biking.
- I know that living on an island where goats, sheep, pigs and cows roam freely is pretty cool. But I also know that if I were living on a farm in Saskatchewan with these same animal circumstances, I wouldn’t think of it as being very cool.
- I know that I love waking up and putting on shorts and a t-shirt without even having to think about how the weather is going to be that day.
- I know that I was meant to live in a place where I can cycle all year round….I’m a wimp so that means it has to remain over 70 Fahrenheit.
- I know that some of my best thoughts come while I’m biking. I know that I often wish I had a way to record my thoughts while I’m on the bike because if I try to write down later what I was thinking, it never comes out the same way.
- I know that I am well on my way to securing my place in the sun.
- I know that when I asked my Wife what she knows for sure, she answered with “I know that I Love You”. I know I am a very lucky guy and feel the same way about her.
- I know that the Caribbean will always be in my soul. I know that I love Canada as well, but it is a different kind of connection.
- It’s Friday, and I know that this has always been a favorite day of the week for me. I also know that there is no better day than this one to go out there and do what you love best.

Very cute. I especially liked your comments about the goats. oh and it’s so nice to see your love and support you have for your family.
What I know for sure is that cycling is the best thing ever created. Thank you for the laughs.
Great post. Thanks for letting me into the goat knowledge, that might help one day.
Thanks Ian,
Hey are you free to talk today or over the weekend?
My first thoughts coming back to the house from the beach is that we really do have way too much stuff. It really is time to start weeding out all the stuff that we have accumulated over the years, taking up valuable space, and never use.
Years ago, when the
dishwasher died, we started just doing them by hand and when the
microwave died, we got a toaster oven instead. I do prefer my electric
water kettle for heating water for tea though as I boiled dry a pot
several times.