You Can’t Silence Me or Bob Marley
By some massively cool coincidence, Loving the Bike shares the same birthday with the legend, Bob Marley. Today, we turn five….and if Bob was still around we’d be clinking mellow mood cans and toasting his 70th.
In honor of our special day, I thought it would be perfect timing to share a true Bob Marley story from a couple of weeks ago. I had set out to put on almost double the amount of cycling miles I generally rack up in a week, so I was making sure I was in the zone.
It shouldn’t be a surprise to you, but I ride with my wireless earphones and listen to music on every ride (more on this in a bit). Well on one of my bigger days I was needing some upbeat music to keep me going, so every time a Bob Marley song came on I fast forwarded the song to get something more rocking. Oh yeah, I have a Sony headset so forwarding songs is super easy.
Okay, so next day my ride wasn’t quite as long and I wasn’t being picky with my music. In the first 30 minutes of riding, four Bob Marley songs came up in my huge random mix of songs. All I could do was laugh, and realized that there is absolutely no way you can silence the great Bob Marley.
So yeah, I ride with music and feel it is totally safe and applicable to the type of riding I do. I can honestly say that because I’ve been riding with music for so long….I feel more in tune with my surroundings and the vehicles approaching with music in my ears, than without it. Seriously.
Music is a part of my ride. Music is a part of me. It’s been the soundtrack to thousands of epic rides, and it will continue being my riding partner.
Condone me if you like, but just like Bob Marley…..I won’t be silenced.
Happy Birthday to all of us involved with Loving the Bike (Kelli, Ashley, Myron, Joel, and Summer). Let’s Ride.