Crank Honors 2013: Top Dogs of Cycling Blogs
It’s time to determine the top dogs of the cycling blogs once again….and it’s up to you to make the selections. This is the fourth time we’ve held the Crank Honors… for your favorite cycling blogs in the categories of:
- Road Cycling Blog
- Commuter Cycling Blog
- Mountain Bike Blog
- Lifestyle Cycling Blog
- Women’s Cycling Blog
- Bicycle Travel Blog
I want to start off by saying that Loving the Bike simply holds these honors each year and we don’t allow ourselves to be in on the running. But there are a whole bunch of great cycling blogs out there and all of them are able to be voted for. Feel free to also check out our Crank Listed Directory that includes the World’s Cycling Blogs.
Voting Information:
We have included the top 4 blogs from each category in the polls (based on last years voting), but also have a blank spot for you to add in who you feel is the top cycling blog in each category. If enough votes come in for a blog that isn’t listed in the poll, we’ll add them in.
- You can vote once per day for each category, so be sure to come back often and vote your favorite into the top dog spot.
- Polls are open from right now through June 1, 2013
Let the Voting Begin:
For a full list of all the world cycling blogs (by category), please visit our Crank Listed Directory at

OK I am also gonna vote.
People please also take a look to my blogs and tell me what you think about them
I VOTED! taking advantage of my rights as a member of the LTB Army. 🙂 > thanks Darryl.