I’m Thankful for Kelli Jennings
In all honesty, I’m thankful for the whole Loving the Bike Team. But I wanted to single out our resident Nutrition expert today as my way of thanking her for all the goodness she has brought to our sites.
Kelli Jennings and I met almost one year ago exactly. She was working as a nutrition coach, and I was the fitness coach for an online company….and together we were the dream team of health and fitness. Even though we had yet to meet in person, it didn’t take me long to fall victim to Kelli’s sweetness and extreme nutrition knowledge. I know a little something about nutrition, and I knew right away that Kelli was the best at what she does. We’ve become friends along the way, and she continues to bring great ideas, enthusiasm, and all the nutritional information and guidance I could ever imagine.
Apex Nutrition:
Although Kelli spends a bunch of her time helping us out at Loving the Bike and Loving the Run, her main business is Apex Nutrition. Apex is company that helps endurance athletes through coaching, information, and meal planning….but even if you don’t consider yourself this level of athlete, she can get you rocking with whatever you need. She is truly an expert on anything to do with nutrition, and in today’s world with so many products, ideas, and plans related to nutrition, it’s so good to have Kelli on my side. She’s honest, sincere, and incredibly personable, and if you’ve ever thought about getting help with your cycling performance, weight loss, or diet…..Kelli is the one to help make it happen.
Unfortunately Kelli can’t give out her expertise for free over at Apex Nutrition, but I’m telling you right now that what she has to offer is worth each and every penny. But she does have a discount available to our Loving the Bike readers. Once you purchase a plan from Kelli, she’s provide you with 2 weeks of free coaching. To get this offer, all you have to do is fill out the coupon code (the graphic below the Paypal cart as indicated for a Coupon) information when purchasing your plan. Enter Username: lovingthe and Password: bike….and you’re good to go.
There’s also a bunch of free tools available on her site. Be sure to check out her calorie goal calculator, sports drink homebrew recipe, a sports nutrition pep talk.
Loving the BITE:
Kelli came up with the idea of us posting a weekly recipe that would be beneficial to our readers….and also the witty name of Loving the BITE. These are not your typical run of the mill recipes. Kelli provides recipes that will make you a healthier person and better cyclist….and best of all, she explains why the products used in the recipe are beneficial to you. She goes above and beyond each week as she tells us about a great new recipe with incredible information and beautiful sense of humor.
Ask the Sports Nutritionist:
If all of this isn’t enough, Kelli agrees to answer each and every sports nutrition question that our reader have to ask. In our “Ask the Sports Nutritionist” tab located on the left side of each page, we provide a new question and answer each week. There are real life questions from our readers and Kelli gives her advice and comment in full detail. Be sure to check them out and see if they are some of the same questions you’ve had about nutrition. We encourage you to submit any of the sports nutrition questions you have, and take advantage of something that is not easy to come by….your own personal Nutrition Expert.
Your questions can be anything from something totally basic to an extremely detailed and complex question….Submit your questions to Kelli right here.

Just came to your blog via @familyonbikes and saw the pregnant Kelli all geared-up. You had me at hello.
Thanks for checking out the blog and for your comment…pregnant with a background of 4 or 5 bikes, strollers, baby carriers and other equipment. Glad I’m not the only one who thinks this is just about right. Hope you stick around for more! Kelli, RD
I am another Kelli success story and can attest to her value. I went from being a novice cyclist to completing the Assault on Mt. Mitchell in a time well above my expectations. Training took me so far, but the real clincher was Kelli’s advice and guidance. I bought her meal plan and three months of coaching. In the process I lost a few lbs and made tremendous gains in speed and power. Her advice really helped when trying to stay hydrated and fueled in difficult climbing sections. Thanks Kelli for all you did for me!
Hi Aaron, and thanks for including your comments about your experience with Kelli. I totally forgot to include your comments about Kelli that you had sent me once. Here it is now:
“I approached Kelli after having some problems properly fueling my rides and keeping a strong energy level. I felt that I had been eating properly, but Kelli made a few modifications to include the valuable nutrients I had been missing. Most importantly, she gave me a detailed fueling schedule to prepare me and keep me going for a long ride. The results were immediate. Not only has it helped my endurance, but I have somehow managed to ride a little faster. A lot of the credit goes to Kelli’s meal plan. Over the next few months I will be undergoing an intense training program. Kelli will be an invaluable asset during this time.” – Aaron
Thanks, Darryl. I guess it has been a little while since I sent that blurb. That intense training program was to prepare to climb a mountain and it worked.
Hi Aaron, Thanks so much for the comment. It was a complete pleasure working with you – you dedicated yourself to the training and nutrition and have huge gains to show for it. I’m thrilled at your accomplishments! Hope you’re enjoying some downtime after Mt. Mitchell. I’ll look forward to the next time…
Hey Darryl, thank you so much for this post – it’s difficult for me to comment (I’m both humbled and flattered), but mostly I appreciate that you’ve allowed me to join the team, post on the LTB blog, and make all these new friends – especially you! I look forward to everything to come. ~32 weeks pregnant now…still cycling and running (fast waddling) with lots of pee breaks:). Need a bigger jersey…
Thanks Kelli. This blog post doesn’t even come close to showing how much I appreciate what you do for us….you’re so awesome.
I can vouch personally for the work Kelli does as I’ve benefited from her knowledge, and patience, over the last 10 weeks as I prepared for my century (which is tomorrow by the way). Her insight in helping me work on my nutrition on and off the bike has helped me tremendously. I can’t thank her enough.
You are more than welcome, Bryan – it’s been such a pleasure to be on the journey with you as you’ve made huge strides as a cyclist. And, there’s more goals to conquer (starting tomorrow!). I believe in you and I KNOW you’ll reach them!
Thanks Bryan…..I’m so happy that Kelli has been able to help you on your journey.