Make it Happen Mondays

One Tiny Change, Great Big Results

November 2, 2015
One Tiny Change, Great Big Results

I’ve always said that the reason I write so much about personal development and creating a better self, is because I’m the one who needs the constant reminder. Yeah, I find it easy to forget about many of the things I want to incorporate into my daily life…..but by writing and posting about it...
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Copping Out of Competition

October 26, 2015
Copping Out of Competition

Did I ever tell you how I developed a love for road cycling?  It’s an interesting story because I first took it up in a country where Cricket and Football (better known as Soccer to many of you) are king.  Yeah, these two sports are super popular all over the Caribbean, and most definitely the major sports on...
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Become a Better Cyclist with Cycling 360

October 19, 2015
Become a Better Cyclist with Cycling 360

Our Cycling 360 Podcast has an exciting opportunity available to help you become a better cyclist.  If you don’t already know, along with my co-host Victor Jimenez, I’m part of this unbelievably successful road cycling podcast.  We’re consistently ranked as one of the top amateur sports podcasts on iTunes, and the responses we get...
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What Gets Your Butt Out of Bed?

October 12, 2015
What Gets Your Butt Out of Bed?

I’ve interacted with a lot of our Loving the Bike readers and have a good idea of what motivates people to get on a bike….but what about motivation for life? What inspires you?  What motivates you?  Where do you get your passion?  All these things are related and it is small and large doses...
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The Einstein Vibe

October 5, 2015
The Einstein Vibe

I’ve always found it quite interesting that good old Albert Einstein rode a bike…..and tossed out a few great cycling quotes along the way.  He was a brilliant man and I’m so very proud to have him as a fellow cyclist. I’ve found myself leaning on him for support lately in the way of...
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Push it to the Limit

September 28, 2015
Push it to the Limit

There’s something that happens with athletes who train at the top of their game.  It’s almost like wiping out of their memory after pushing themselves to the limit.  At that moment of total exhaustion the athlete feels like they never want to endure this feeling again.  They finish training for that day and by...
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Reckless Cycling

August 31, 2015
Reckless Cycling

I’m in no way trying to promote reckless cycling in any way, but I wanted to get a feel for how all of you label your riding.  Are you conservative, reckless, adventurous, scared?  What kind of adjective would you use for yourself? I sat down for a minute to think of what word first...
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What Has Being Impatient Done For Me?

August 24, 2015
What Has Being Impatient Done For Me?

I can honestly still remember the very first time I ever made a purchase in a store all by myself.  I was nervous, anxious, and shy.  Upon paying for the item, I quickly asked the lady checking me out if I could get a bag.  Her response stays with me to this day…..”Didn’t your...
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Buy Experiences Not Stuff

August 17, 2015
Buy Experiences Not Stuff

I don’t hide the fact that I find the “throwaway” culture of North America totally disgusting.  Yeah, we’re a society of buy all we can, and toss out anything that isn’t the latest and greatest. We’re consumed by stuff, and by having more of it.  You just have to look at the increasing number...
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Alone With Your Thoughts

August 10, 2015
Alone With Your Thoughts

If you’re a solo ride like I am, you spend a whole lot of time on your bike each week all alone with your thoughts.  Yeah, that is an incredible amount of time to be one on one with what’s floating around in your brain.  Especially if you have a wildly insane brain like mine. Yeah,...
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Doing It All

July 27, 2015
Doing It All

If you know anything at all about me and my life, you probably have an indication that I do a lot of “out of the box” stuff.  If I can pride myself on one thing, it’s that I’ve lived a life off the beaten path, and have done more than enough cool things for...
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Get Caught in the Upward Spiral

July 20, 2015
Get Caught in the Upward Spiral

The days were becoming more complex than the Jimi Hendrix tie-died shirt he had when he was fifteen. The stress was firing grey hairs out the side of his head and extra beats to his heart. He felt more confused than he was in his first day in Algebra class when he was introduced...
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    September 2024
    M T W T F S S


Sugar Alternatives for Energy and Hydration

Question: I am using the homebrew sugar formulations (sometimes added to green tea).  I am also trying to wean myself off 1/2 dose adrenalean “lip tonic delivery system” (biorhythm brand- caffeine, hoodia g, synephrine, yohimbe) capsule for energy.

My question is other than juice, can you suggest modifications in lieu of table sugar for energy and hydration.


Both raw/organic honey or agave can work great in the homebrew (substitute in the same quantities for the sugar, or to taste), but you do have to shake well in order to make sure they don’t settle out.  Have you tried either of these?  Also, make sure to use at least the minimum amount of salt recommended in the homebrew as the temps rise, you need the sodium replacement if you’re sweating.

Sports Drink Homebrew

Please send us your questions for our Expert Sports Nutritionist, Kelli Jennings to “Ask the Sports Nutritionist“. Kelli Jennings is a Registered Dietitian with a passion for healthy eating, wellness, & sports nutrition. For more information go to

Nutrition Tips