Life is a Poem…Let it Flow out of You Whatever it is that gets me to the dawning of the day. It’s totally unique, because I’m different in my own special way. You may not understand it, and choose to disagree. But you are not going to change me, this is who I’m going...
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Make it Happen Monday: Life is a Poem
I Need Help Shopping
Question: I always have a tough time in the grocery store. I know it sounds crazy, but I especially need help in the produce section. I never know where to go to get the best foods for myself and always walk out with the wrong stuff. Help. Kelli’s Answer: You can breathe a sigh...
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Snooze or RIDE

Snooze or RIDE – Guest post by Dave Boyd As I rolled out of my one successful track stop for the day and got back up to speed, a guy in his pressed white dress shirt (We’ll pretend it was pressed. I couldn’t really tell) driving a silver Toyota Avalon yelled out his passenger...
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Loving the BITE: Cheese and Pear Sandwich
You know it’s Autumn when leaves begin to turn beautiful colors, the air becomes crisp and cool, and organic Pears are only $1.49 per pound at the grocery store. This week, we’ll take full advantage of these prices and all the wonderful health benefits pears afford for health and cycling. In fact, we have...
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Headwater Cycling Tours

Here at LovingTheBike Towers we are very proud of the knowledgeable and dedicated community that we have built up who contribute to posts, questions and discussions. As well as ‘The Boss’, we have a small but dedicated team of eager contributors and as the site has grown in popularity we have seen a beautiful...
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#bikeschool: Showering With Your Helmet?

It all started with a harmless discussion about what to do after you finish a ride. This discussion took place on the Cycling360 Podcast with myself and Rob suggesting that someone can take their helmet into the shower with them to rinse it off. Victor, being the wild man that he is, laughed at...
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Make it Happen Monday: Money Man
We’re bred in a world that evolves around the economic control known as the dollar. Because of this, far too many of us chase after it all our lives…..all the while missing out on some really great moments in life. You can transform getting money into having a great time by visiting 666casino. We...
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How Much Water?
Question: How much water do I need? Answer: The goal of drinking fluids before exercise is to be well hydrated before you are physically active. If you have rested for at least 8-12 hours before activity and eat and drink regularly, extra hydration may not be needed. If you have lost fluids from sweating...
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Reveille Peak 100 – The Next BIG Race

We’ve all heard of the Leadville 100, right? Well if you haven’t, here is how the organizers like to describe it: This is it. The race of all races. One hundred miles across the high-altitude, extreme terrain of the Colorado Rockies. Created for only the most determined athletes. Starting at 10,152 feet and climbing...
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Loving the BITE: Fresh Salsa
In a follow-up to yesterday’s Beanitos Review, we’ve got a Loving the BITE dip to go right along with those tasty chip. And not just any dip, but one that will help us cycle stronger and stay healthy. This week, tomato growers will rejoice with a salsa recipe that can be canned and enjoyed...
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Beanitos: Should You Become a BeanHead?

I came across Beanitos due to the fact that my friend @BeanitosApril works over there. She gave my family some samples and we felt they were one super awesome healthy (ish) snack. So to find out exactly how good and healthy they actually were, I had April send some to our Loving the Bike...
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#bikeschool: Rule Britania

As we head towards the World Championships, which historically signifies the entry into the European winter and the slowing of professional UCI racing, I felt we should reflect on what an awesome season it’s been… for British riders & teams. Your favourite cycling magazine will have full season reviews in the coming weeks and...
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Sugar Alternatives for Energy and Hydration
Question: I am using the homebrew sugar formulations (sometimes added to green tea). I am also trying to wean myself off 1/2 dose adrenalean “lip tonic delivery system” (biorhythm brand- caffeine, hoodia g, synephrine, yohimbe) capsule for energy.
My question is other than juice, can you suggest modifications in lieu of table sugar for energy and hydration.
Both raw/organic honey or agave can work great in the homebrew (substitute in the same quantities for the sugar, or to taste), but you do have to shake well in order to make sure they don’t settle out. Have you tried either of these? Also, make sure to use at least the minimum amount of salt recommended in the homebrew as the temps rise, you need the sodium replacement if you’re sweating.
Please send us your questions for our Expert Sports Nutritionist, Kelli Jennings to “Ask the Sports Nutritionist“. Kelli Jennings is a Registered Dietitian with a passion for healthy eating, wellness, & sports nutrition. For more information go to
Nutrition Tips