Video Blog

Custom Electric Chopper Bicycle

November 30, 2016
Custom Electric Chopper Bicycle

I love bikes.  Of course, with a name like Loving the Bike that is pretty obvious.  But I love all kinds of bikes.  Even though I am a road cyclist, I also love coming across cool bikes of all styles and varieties. So, the other day I was driving in downtown Courtenay and I...
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Loving the Bike TV: A Different Perspective

December 9, 2015

There has been a lot going on behind the scenes for me, and taking the time to view life from a different perspective was totally in need. It worked out great because my Son and I went out on a dolphin watching tour, and seeing things from the middle of the ocean can be...
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Loving the Bike TV: Not a Care in the World

December 2, 2015

Okay, some very simple but effective advice in this week’s Loving the Bike TV episode.  Be free, positive, and easy….and things will come to you naturally.  Taking the stress off and just getting in the right vibe is all you need.  
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Loving the Bike TV: My Best Advice Ever

November 25, 2015

If I’m calling this my best advice ever, you just have to know that I’m speaking the truth.  So I’ve decided that we’ve done enough work on self esteem, so to send this series off with a bang I’m laying out the best wisdom I can. Yep, in this week’s episode of Loving the...
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Loving the Bike TV: Building Self Esteem Part 1

November 4, 2015

In my opinion, you can’t have self confidence without having self esteem.  For the next few episodes of Loving the Bike TV, we’ll be focusing on ways to build self esteem so we all can move onto building better selves. If you really want to be Loving Life on and off the Bike, one of...
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Loving the Bike TV: Finding a Way out of the Funk

October 28, 2015

It’s been way too long since I last put up a Loving the Bike TV video, and this episode talks all about the funk that kept me away from it. It’s pretty hard to pump out motivation and tell people to love life…..when you’re in a funk, right?  Well, here’s what I’ve been doing...
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Loving the Bike TV: Stay In Your Element

August 26, 2015

Okay, so I love being in my element in everything I do.  Sure, I may seem like I’m an extrovert….but it’s only when I’m in a situation where I feel totally at home and comfortable.  I’m all about my element and do all I can to stay right there in it as much as...
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Loving the Bike TV: What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?

August 19, 2015

A while back, we did a Cycling 360 podcast about what we would tell our younger self when just getting started with road cycling, and I thought it would be cool to come up with the same sort of advice for Loving Life off the Bike as well. In this edition of Loving the...
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Loving the Bike TV: Captured by a Goat

August 12, 2015

It totally blows my mind to think that in less than 3 years our family has arrived in a foreign Caribbean country, opened a business, bought a farm, and lived out many of our biggest goals. My good buddy from the Goats on the Road lifestyle travel website captured some fun moments of my...
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Loving the Bike TV: Hate in Your Heart

July 29, 2015

For this week’s episode of Loving the Bike TV, I’m talking about getting rid of hate in your heart.  Yeah, it’s pretty hard to be loving life on and off the bike if you’re consumed by hate. As you can tell by the video, I’m still having trouble centering my head in the shot….I...
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Loving the Bike TV: A Dog and His Bone

July 15, 2015

Our “Loving Life on and off the Bike” video series continues.  In this edition I talk about a couple different dogs and their bones…..and how the story can relate to our own personal lives. Tune in.
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Loving the Bike TV: Pedal Through the Bumpy Road

July 1, 2015

I hope it doesn’t come across as being too corny, but in this weeks edition of Loving the Bike TV I talk about pedaling through bumpy roads on and off the bike. The roads here in Grenada are certainly not smooth, just like some periods of life.  But it’s what you do with those bumpy...
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    July 2024
    M T W T F S S


Sugar Alternatives for Energy and Hydration

Question: I am using the homebrew sugar formulations (sometimes added to green tea).  I am also trying to wean myself off 1/2 dose adrenalean “lip tonic delivery system” (biorhythm brand- caffeine, hoodia g, synephrine, yohimbe) capsule for energy.

My question is other than juice, can you suggest modifications in lieu of table sugar for energy and hydration.


Both raw/organic honey or agave can work great in the homebrew (substitute in the same quantities for the sugar, or to taste), but you do have to shake well in order to make sure they don’t settle out.  Have you tried either of these?  Also, make sure to use at least the minimum amount of salt recommended in the homebrew as the temps rise, you need the sodium replacement if you’re sweating.

Sports Drink Homebrew

Please send us your questions for our Expert Sports Nutritionist, Kelli Jennings to “Ask the Sports Nutritionist“. Kelli Jennings is a Registered Dietitian with a passion for healthy eating, wellness, & sports nutrition. For more information go to

Nutrition Tips